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Plugin mongoose for history logs schemas
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'use strict'const Promise = require('bluebird')const { HistoryLogModel } = require('./model')const DeepDiff = require('./diffHelper')const { isEmpty, get, assign, pick, set } = require('lodash')
/** * * @param { mongoose } schema - schema mongoose * @param { Object } options * @example { * userPaths: [] //name paths user to saved on logs * isAuthenticate: true //default is true * customCollectionName: String //default is collection name * connectionUri: String //default is connection of collection * moduleName: String //default is collection name * indexes: [ * {'path': 1}, //paths create index on history log collection * {'path': -1}, * {'path': 'text'} * ] * omitPaths: ['_id', '__v'] //paths omit on created history log * addCollectionPaths: [ //add paths in collection history log * {key: 'path1', value: 'String' }, // key - name path * {key: 'path2', value: 'String' }, // value - mongoose types .('ObjectId', 'Mixed', 'String', 'Number', etc) * {key: 'path3.path2', // sudoc : {key: 'field.subdoc', value: 'String'} * value: 'ObjectId' }, * ], * changeTransform: { * to: 'newPathToView' //new value to path 'to' transform to view * from: 'newPathToView' //new value to path 'from' transform to view * label: 'newPathToView' //new value to path 'label' transform to view * ops: 'newPathToView' //new value to path 'ops' transform to view * path: 'newPathToView' //new value to path 'path' transform to view * } * * } */function HistoryPlugin (schema, options = {}) { /** * @author Welington Monteiro * @param { Object } loggedUser - Logged user from request */ schema.statics.addLoggedUser = function (loggedUser) { set(schema, '_loggedUser', loggedUser) } /** * @author welington Monteiro * @param { Object } [old] - old state json object * @param { Object } [current] - current state json object * @return {Array} changes - return array changes diffs */ schema.statics.getChangeDiffs = async function (old, current) { return, { old, current }, options) }
/** * @author Welington Monteiro * @param { Object } params */ schema.statics.createHistory = async function (params) { await, schema, params), params, options) }
schema.pre('save', async function () { await, schema), _processPreSave, options) })
schema.pre(/update|updateOne|findOneAndUpdate|findByIdAndUpdate|updateMany|findOneAndReplace|replaceOne/, async function () { await, schema), _processPreUpdate, options) })
schema.pre(/deleteOne|remove/, async function () { await, schema), _processPreRemove, options) })
schema.pre(/deleteMany/, async function () { await, schema), _processRemoveMany, options) })
schema.pre(/remove/, { document: false, query: true }, async function () { await, schema), _processRemoveMany, options) })|findByIdAndRemove|findByIdAndDelete|findOneAndDelete/, async function (doc) { await, schema), _processPosRemove, options, doc) })'insertMany', async function (docs) { await, schema), _processPosInsertMany, options, docs) })}
/** * @author Welington Monteiro * @param { Schema } schema - mongoose Schema * @param params * @return {getCurrentUser} - return this context with logged user */function getCurrentUser (schema, params) { const _loggedUser = get(schema, '_loggedUser', {}) const loggedUser = get(params, 'loggedUser', {}) this._loggedUser = _toJSON(!isEmpty(_loggedUser) ? _loggedUser : loggedUser) delete schema._loggedUser return this}
/** * @author Welington Monteiro * @param { function } method - method call to process * @param { Object } options - params configuration before saved log * @param {Array | Object } docs - data document * @return {Promise<void>} */async function initializeProcess (method, options, docs) { await, options, docs)}
/** * @author Welington Monteiro * @param { Object } json - object transform * @return {Object} return object to json * @private */function _toJSON (json) { if (isEmpty(json)) { return {} } return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(json))}
/** * @author Welington Monteiro * @param {Object} doc - doc * @return {{method: *, documentNumber: *, module: *, changes: *, loggedUser: *, action: *}} */function _mappedFieldsLog (doc = {}) { const actions = { updated: 'Edited Document', deleted: 'Removed Document', created: 'Created Document', undefined: 'No Defined' } const { changes, module, documentNumber, method, user } = doc const action = get(actions, `${method}`, method) return { changes, action, module, documentNumber, method, user }}
/** *@author Welington Monteiro * @param { Object } object - object mapped to saved * @param { Object } options - params configuration before saved log */async function _saveHistoryLog (object, options) { if (isEmpty(get(object, 'changes'))) { console.warn('MONGOOSE-HISTORY-TRACE: path: {changes} no diffs documents.') return } if (isEmpty(get(object, 'user')) && get(options, 'isAuthenticated', true)) { console.warn('MONGOOSE-HISTORY-TRACE: path: {user} is required. Example: Model.addLoggedUser(req.user)') return } const HistoryLog = HistoryLogModel(options) const history = new HistoryLog(object) return await}
/** * @author Welington Monteiro * @param { object } params * @param { Object } options - params configuration options plugin * @return {Array} * @private */async function _processGetDiffs (params, options) { const old = get(params, 'old', {}) const current = get(params, 'current', {})
return DeepDiff.getDiff({ old, current }, {}, options)}
/** * @author Welington Monteiro * @param { Object } options - params configuration options plugin * @param { Object } [params] - params paths to save history * @param { Object } [doc] - object to save * @param { String } method - name of method to save * @return { Object } - return object mounted to save */async function mountDocToSave ({ options, params, doc }, method) { const self = this let result = {}
set(result, 'old', _toJSON(get(params, 'old', {}))) set(result, 'current', _toJSON(get(params, 'current', {}))) set(result, 'schema', get(self, 'schema')) set(result, 'user', pick(get(self, '_loggedUser'), get(options, 'userPaths', []))) set(result, 'module', get(options, 'moduleName', get(self, '', get(self, '')))) set(result, 'method', (method || get(params, 'method', 'undefined')))
if ({}, 'isNew')) { result = await, result) } if (!isEmpty(doc)) { result =, result, doc) } if (method === 'updated') { result = await, result) } set(result, 'documentNumber', get(result, 'old._id', get(result, 'current._id'))) return result}
/** * @author Welington Monteiro * @param { Object } result - result Object mount paths to save * @return { Object } - return object mount * @private */async function _helperPreSave (result) { const self = this set(result, 'method', (get(self, 'isNew') ? 'created' : 'updated')) set(result, 'current', _toJSON(self.toObject ? self.toObject() : self)) const _id = get(result, 'current._id')
if (!self.isNew) { set(result, 'old', _toJSON(await self.constructor.findOne({ _id }))) } return result}
/** * @author Welington Monteiro * @param { Object } result - result Object mount paths to save * @return { Object } - return object mount * @private */async function _helperPreUpdate (result) { const self = this
const query = get(self, '_conditions') if (isEmpty(query)) { return console.warn(`Not found documents to ${result.method} history logs.`) } const old = _toJSON(await self.findOne(query)) if (isEmpty(old)) { return console.warn(`Not found documents to ${result.method} history logs.`) } const mod = _toJSON(get(self, '_update.$set', get(self, '_update')))
set(result, 'old', old) set(result, 'current', assign({}, old, mod))
return result}
/** * * @param { Object } result - result Object mount paths to save * @param { Object } doc - object to save * @return { Object } - return object mount * @private */function _helperPosSaveWithDoc (result, doc) { if (result.method === 'created') { set(result, 'current', _toJSON(doc.toObject ? doc.toObject() : doc)) } if (result.method === 'deleted') { set(result, 'old', _toJSON((doc.toObject ? doc.toObject() : doc))) } return result}
/** * @author Welington Monteiro * @param { Object } params - params to save history manually * @param { Object } options - params configuration before saved log * @return {Promise<void>} * @private */async function _processCreateHistory (params, options) { const { schema, user, module, method, old, current, documentNumber } = await, { options, params })
const changes = DeepDiff.getDiff({ old, current }, schema, options) const docMapped = _mappedFieldsLog({ changes, method, module, documentNumber, user })
await _saveHistoryLog(docMapped, options)}
/** * @author Welington Monteiro * @param { Object } options - params configuration before saved log * @private */async function _processRemoveMany (options) { const query = get(this, '_conditions') const olds = _toJSON(await this.find(query)), async (eachOld) => await, options, eachOld))}
/** * @author Welington Monteiro * @param { Array } docs - List of document inserted * @param { Object } options - params configuration before saved log * @private */async function _processPosInsertMany (options, docs) { return, async (eachDoc) => await, options, eachDoc))}
/** * @author Welington Monteiro * @param { Object } options - params configuration before saved log * @private */async function _processPreRemove (options) { const query = get(this, '_conditions') const old = _toJSON(await this.findOne(query))
await, options, old)}
/** * @author Welington Monteiro * @param { Object } options - params configuration before saved log * @return {Promise<*>} */async function _processPreUpdate (options) { const { schema, user, module, method, old, current, documentNumber } = await, { options }, 'updated')
const changes = DeepDiff.getDiff({ old, current }, schema, options) const docMapped = _mappedFieldsLog({ changes, method, module, documentNumber, user })
await _saveHistoryLog(docMapped, options)}
/** * @author Welington Monteiro * @param { Object } options - params configuration before saved log * @private */async function _processPreSave (options) { const { schema, user, module, method, old, current, documentNumber } = await, { options })
const changes = DeepDiff.getDiff({ old, current }, schema, options) const docMapped = _mappedFieldsLog({ changes, method, module, documentNumber, user })
await _saveHistoryLog(docMapped, options)}
/** * @author Welington Monteiro * @param doc * @param { Object } options - params configuration before saved log * @private */async function _processPosSave (options, doc) { const { schema, user, module, method, current, documentNumber } = await, { options, doc }, 'created')
const changes = DeepDiff.getDiff({ current }, schema, options) const docMapped = _mappedFieldsLog({ changes, method, module, documentNumber, user })
await _saveHistoryLog(docMapped, options)}
/** * @author Welington Monteiro * @param { Object } doc - object mapped * @param { Object } options - params configuration before saved log * @return {Promise<void>} */async function _processPosRemove (options, doc) { const { schema, user, module, method, old, documentNumber } = await, { options, doc }, 'deleted')
const changes = DeepDiff.getDiff({ old }, schema, options) const docMapped = _mappedFieldsLog({ changes, method, module, documentNumber, user })
await _saveHistoryLog(docMapped, options)}
module.exports = HistoryPlugin