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Color quantization and dithering in TypeScript.
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import * as monke from "";


General class for RGBA colors

Histogram of colors with reduced space Effectively quantizes the image into 32768 colors

Image with width, height, and pixel data


Dither the image into a smaller palette Very fast dithering Use twoRowSierra for more accuracy Use monochromeDither for monochrome dithering

Get a histogram of frequency of colors.

Dither the image into a smaller palette Starts from the mid point of the image I have no idea why I did this

Dither the image into monochrome Uses Floyd-Steinberg matrix

Recolor the image without dithering

Dither the image into a smaller palette Uses Sierra lite matrix Use twoRowSierraDither for more accuracy

Dither the image into a smaller palette Uses a quick, two-row dither Use twoRowSierraDither for more accuracy

Dither the image into a smaller palette Uses two-row Sierra matrix