import { type Context } from "";
The client that received the update.
Resolves to ctx.message ?? ctx.editedMessage ?? ctx.callbackQuery?.message
Resolves to (ctx.message ?? ctx.editedMessage)?.from ?? ctx.callbackQuery?.from ?? ctx.inlineQuery?.from
Resolves to effectiveMessage?.senderChat
Reply the received message with a text message.
Reply the received message with a poll.
Reply the received message with a photo.
Forward the received message.
Send a chat action to the chat which the message was received from.
Edit a message in the chat which the message was received from.
Answer the received callback query.
Answer the received inline query.
Retrieve a single message of the chat which the message was received from.
Retrieve multiple messages of the chat which the message was received from.
Forward a message of the chat which the message was received from.
Forward multiple messages of the chat which the message was received from.
Delete a message in the chat which the message was received from.
Delete multiple messages in the chat which the message was received from.