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Cross-runtime JavaScript library for building Telegram clients
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variable K
import { K } from "";


{ session: { P: (string: string) => string; serverSalt: () => StorageKeyPart[]; }; auth: { P: (string: string) => string; dc: () => StorageKeyPart[]; key: () => StorageKeyPart[]; accountType: () => StorageKeyPart[]; }; updates: { P: (string: string) => string; state: () => StorageKeyPart[]; all: () => StorageKeyPart[]; updates: (boxId: bigint) => StorageKeyPart[]; update: (boxId: bigint, id: bigint) => StorageKeyPart[]; channelPts: (channelId: bigint) => StorageKeyPart[]; }; cache: { P: (string: string) => string; usernames: () => StorageKeyPart[]; username: (v: string) => StorageKeyPart[]; peers: () => StorageKeyPart[]; peer: (id: number) => StorageKeyPart[]; stickerSetNames: () => StorageKeyPart[]; stickerSetName: (id: bigint, accessHash: bigint) => StorageKeyPart[]; files: () => StorageKeyPart[]; file: (fileId: bigint) => StorageKeyPart[]; fileParts: () => StorageKeyPart[]; filePart: (fileId: bigint, n: number) => StorageKeyPart[]; customEmojiDocuments: () => StorageKeyPart[]; customEmojiDocument: (id: bigint) => StorageKeyPart[]; }; messages: { P: (string: string) => string; messages: (chatId: number) => StorageKeyPart[]; message: (chatId: number, messageId: number) => StorageKeyPart[]; allMessageRefs: () => StorageKeyPart[]; messageRef: (messageId: number) => StorageKeyPart[]; }; chatlists: { P: (string: string) => string; hasAllChats: (listId: number) => StorageKeyPart[]; chats: (listId: number) => StorageKeyPart[]; chat: (listId: number, chatId: number) => StorageKeyPart[]; pinnedChats: (listId: number) => StorageKeyPart[]; }; }