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Cross-runtime JavaScript library for building Telegram clients
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import * as mtkruto from "";



Telegram Passport authorization form

Logged-in sessions

Media autodownload settings

Contains media autosave settings

Sensitive content settings

The email was verified correctly.

The email was verified correctly, and a login code was just sent to it.

A list of emoji statuses

The server-side list of emoji statuses hasn't changed

Configuration for two-factor authorization

Settings for setting up a new password

Private info associated to the password info (recovery email, telegram passport info & so on)

Privacy rules

You recently requested a password reset that was canceled, please wait until the specified date before requesting another reset.

The 2FA password was reset successfully.

You successfully requested a password reset, please wait until the specified date before finalizing the reset.

The notification sound was already in MP3 format and was saved without any modification

The notification sound was not in MP3 format and was successfully converted and saved, use the returned Document to refer to the notification sound from now on

A list of saved notification sounds

The notification sound list hasn't changed.

The sent email code

Takeout info

Installed themes

No new themes were installed

Temporary payment password

Installed wallpapers

No new wallpapers were found

Web authorizations

Time to live in days of the current account

Contains the link that must be used to open a direct link Mini App.

Represents an attachment menu icon for bot mini apps »

Represents an attachment menu icon color for bot mini apps »

The list of bot mini apps hasn't changed

The bot attachment menu entry is available in private chats with other bots (excluding the bot that offers the current attachment menu)

The bot attachment menu entry is available in channels

The bot attachment menu entry is available in groups and supergroups

The bot attachment menu entry is available in private chats with other users (not bots)

The bot attachment menu entry is available in the chat with the bot that offers it

Contains user authorization info.

An account with this phone number doesn't exist on telegram: the user has to enter basic information and sign up

The next time, the authentication code is to be delivered via an outgoing phone call.

The next time, the authentication code will be delivered via an immediately canceled incoming call.

The next time, the authentication code will be delivered via

The next time, the authentication code will be delivered via an immediately canceled incoming call, handled manually by the user.

The next time, the authentication code will be delivered via an immediately canceled incoming call.

Data for copying of authorization between data centers.

Future auth token » to be used on subsequent authorizations

Login token (for QR code login)

Repeat the query to the specified DC

Login via token (QR code) succeeded!

Recovery info of a 2FA password, only for accounts with a recovery email configured.

Contains info about a sent verification code.

The user successfully authorized using future auth tokens

The code was sent through the telegram app

The code will be sent via a phone call: a synthesized voice will tell the user which verification code to input.

The code was sent via the previously configured login email »

An authentication code should be delivered via SMS after Firebase attestation, as described in the auth documentation ».

The code will be sent via a flash phone call, that will be closed immediately. The phone code will then be the phone number itself, just make sure that the phone number matches the specified pattern.

The code was delivered via

The code will be sent via a flash phone call, that will be closed immediately. The last digits of the phone number that calls are the code that must be entered manually by the user.

The user should add and verify an email address in order to login as described here ».

The code was sent via SMS

Logged-in session

Autodownload settings

Peer-specific media autosave settings

Media autosave settings

Animations associated with a message reaction

Credit card info URL provided by the bank

Arctic theme

Classic theme

Day theme

Night theme

Tinted theme

Info about one or more boosts applied by a specific user.

Contains information about a direct link Mini App.

Bot app info hasn't changed.

Describes a bot command that can be used in a chat

The specified bot commands will be valid only for chat administrators, in all groups and supergroups.

The specified bot commands will be valid in all groups and supergroups.

The commands will be valid in all dialogs

The specified bot commands will be valid only in a specific dialog.

The specified bot commands will be valid for all admins of the specified group or supergroup.

The specified bot commands will be valid only for a specific user in the specified group or supergroup.

The specified bot commands will only be valid in all private chats with users.

Info about bots (available bot commands, etc)

Media result

Send whatever media is attached to the botInlineMediaResult

Send a contact

Send a geolocation

Send an invoice

Send a venue

Specifies options that must be used to generate the link preview for the message, or even a standalone link preview without an attached message.

Send a simple text message

Generic result

Bot menu button that opens a web app when clicked.

Bot menu button that opens the bot command list when clicked.

Placeholder bot menu button never returned to users: see the docs for more info.

Localized information about a bot.

Configuration for CDN file downloads.

Public key to use only during handshakes to CDN DCs.

Channel/supergroup info

Admin log event

The description was changed

The set of allowed message reactions » for this channel has changed

The emoji status was changed

The Time-To-Live of messages in this chat was changed

The linked chat was changed

The geogroup location was changed

The message accent color was changed

The channel/supergroup's picture was changed

The profile accent color was changed

The supergroup's stickerset was changed

Channel/supergroup title was changed

Channel/supergroup username was changed

The list of usernames associated with the channel was changed

The wallpaper was changed

A forum topic was created

The default banned rights were modified

A message was deleted

A forum topic was deleted

A group call was terminated

A message was edited

A forum topic was edited

A chat invite was deleted

A chat invite was edited

A specific invite link was revoked

A user was invited to the group

A user has joined the group (in the case of big groups, info of the user that has joined isn't shown)

A user joined the supergroup/channel using a specific invite link

A new member was accepted to the chat by an admin

A user left the channel/supergroup (in the case of big groups, info of the user that has joined isn't shown)

A group call participant was muted

The admin rights of a user were changed

The banned rights of a user were changed

A group call participant was unmuted

channelAdminLogEvent.user_id has set the volume of participant.peer to participant.volume

A forum topic was pinned or unpinned

A message was posted in a channel

A group call was started

A poll was stopped

Native antispam functionality was enabled or disabled.

Forum functionality was enabled or disabled.

Group call settings were changed

Invites were enabled/disabled

Forwards were enabled or disabled

The hidden prehistory setting was changed

Channel signatures were enabled/disabled

A message was pinned

Filter only certain admin log events

Indicates a channel/supergroup we can't access because we were banned, or for some other reason.

Full info about a channel, supergroup or gigagroup.

Geographical location of supergroup (geogroups)

No location (normal supergroup)

Filter for getting only certain types of channel messages

No filter

Channel/supergroup participant


Banned/kicked user

Channel/supergroup creator

A participant that left the channel/supergroup

Fetch only admin participants

Fetch only banned participants

Fetch only bot participants

Fetch only participants that are also contacts


Fetch only kicked participants

This filter is used when looking for supergroup members to mention.
This filter will automatically remove anonymous admins, and return even non-participant users that replied to a specific thread through the comment section of a channel.

Fetch only recent participants

Query participants by name

Admin log events

Represents a channel participant

Represents multiple channel participants

No new participant info could be found

A list of peers that can be used to send messages in a specific group

Info about a group

Represents the rights of an admin in a channel/supergroup.

Info about chat invites generated by admins.

Represents the rights of a normal user in a supergroup/channel/chat. In this case, the flags are inverted: if set, a flag does not allow a user to do X.

Empty constructor, group doesn't exist

A group to which the user has no access. E.g., because the user was kicked from the group.

Full info about a basic group.

Chat invite info

The user has already joined this chat

Exported chat invite

When and which user joined the chat using a chat invite

A chat invitation that also allows peeking into the group to read messages without joining it.

Used in updates and in the channel log to indicate when a user is requesting to join or has joined a discussion group

Updated info about a chat folder deep link » we already imported.

Updated information about a chat folder deep link ».

Info about an exported chat folder deep link ».

Info about multiple chat folder deep links ».

Number of online users in a chat

Group member.

Chat admin

Represents the creator of the group

Group members.

Info on members is unavailable

Group profile photo.

Group photo is not set.

All reactions or all non-custom reactions are allowed

No reactions are allowed

Some reactions are allowed

Settings used by telegram servers for sending the confirm code.

Current configuration

A contact of the current user that is registered in the system.

Full list of blocked users.

Incomplete list of blocked users.

The current user's contact list and info on users.

Contact list on the server is the same as the list on the client.

Users found by name substring and auxiliary data.

Info on successfully imported contacts.

Resolved peer

Top peers

Top peers disabled

Top peer info hasn't changed

Contact status: online / offline.

Represents a json-encoded object

Data center

Contains info about the default value of the Time-To-Live setting, applied to all new chats.


Dialog filter AKA folder

A folder imported using a chat folder deep link ».

Used only when reordering folders to indicate the default (all chats) folder.

Suggested folders

Dialog in folder



Defines an animated GIF

Represents an audio file

Info about a custom emoji

A simple document with a file name

Whether the current document has stickers attached

Defines the width and height of an image uploaded as document

Defines a sticker

Defines a video

Empty constructor, document doesn't exist.

Represents a message draft.

Empty draft

Apple ID email verification token

Email verification code

Google ID email verification token

Email verification purpose: change login email

Email verification purpose: setup login email

Verify an email for use in telegram passport

Represents an emoji category.

Emoji keyword

Deleted emoji keyword

Changes to emoji keywords

Emoji language

Represents a list of custom emojis.

The list of custom emojis hasn't changed.

No emoji status is set

An emoji status valid until the specified date

An HTTP URL which can be used to automatically log in into translation platform and suggest new emoji replacements. The URL will be valid for 30 seconds after generation

Encrypted chat

Discarded or deleted chat.

Empty constructor.

Request to create an encrypted chat.

Chat waiting for approval of second participant.

Encrypted file.

Empty constructor, non-existing file.

Encrypted message.

Encrypted service message


Link to a message in a supergroup/channel

Represents a story deep link.

SHA256 Hash of an uploaded file, to be checked for validity after download


Peer in a folder

Represents a forum topic.

Represents a deleted forum topic.

Indicates an already sent game


Empty constructor.

Global privacy settings

Info about a group call or livestream

An ended group call

Info about a group call participant

Info about a video stream

Describes a group of video synchronization source identifiers

Info about an RTMP stream in a group call or livestream

The client configuration parameters haven't changed

An update is available for the application.

Name, ISO code, localized name and phone codes/patterns of all available countries

The country list has not changed

Name, ISO code, localized name and phone codes/patterns of a specific country

Country code and phone number pattern of a specific country

Deep link info, see the here for more details

Deep link info empty

Text of a text message with an invitation to install Telegram.

No updates are available for the application.

Telegram passport configuration

Password configuration not modified

Contains info about a color palette ».

Contains info about multiple color palettes ».

The list of color palettes has not changed.

Telegram Premium promotion information

MTProxy/Public Service Announcement information

No PSA/MTProxy info is available

Recent URLs

Info on support user.

Localized name for telegram support

Info about the latest telegram Terms Of Service

Info about an update of telegram's terms of service. If the terms of service are declined, then the account.deleteAccount method should be called with the reason "Decline ToS update"

No changes were made to telegram's terms of service

Internal use

Internal use

Game highscore

Successfully imported contact.

The bot requested the user to message them in private

Specifies an inline mode mini app button, shown on top of the inline query results list.

Peer type: private chat with a bot.

Peer type: channel

Peer type: chat

Peer type: supergroup

Peer type: private chat

Peer type: private chat with the bot itself

Event that occurred in the application.

Used to fetch information about a direct link Mini App by its ID

Used to fetch information about a direct link Mini App by its short name

A game

Represents a sent inline message from the perspective of a bot (legacy constructor)

Represents a sent inline message from the perspective of a bot

A media

A contact


An invoice


Specifies options that will be used to generate the link preview for the message, or even a standalone link preview without an attached message.

Simple text message

An inline bot result

Document (media of any type except for photos)



Represents a channel

Represents the absence of a channel

Defines a min channel that was seen in a certain message of a certain chat.

Folder ID

Existing photo to be set as a chat profile photo.

Empty constructor, remove group photo.

New photo to be set as group profile photo.

There is no password

Constructor for checking the validity of a 2FA SRP password (see SRP)

Info about an MTProxy used to connect.

A peer

All peers in a peer folder

Defines a document for subsequent interaction.

Empty constructor.

Document location (video, voice, audio, basically every type except photo)

Creates an encrypted chat.

Sets forwarded encrypted file for attachment.

Assigns a new big encrypted file (over 10 MB in size), saved in parts using the method upload.saveBigFilePart.

Empty constructor.

Location of encrypted secret chat file.

Sets new encrypted file saved by parts using upload.saveFilePart method.

Defines a file saved in parts using the method upload.saveFilePart.

Assigns a big file (over 10 MB in size), saved in part using the method upload.saveBigFilePart.

DEPRECATED location of a photo

Peer in a folder

Indicates an already sent game

Game by short name

Defines a GeoPoint by its coordinates.

Empty GeoPoint constructor.

Points to a specific group call

Chunk of a livestream

An invoice contained in a messageMediaInvoice message.

Used if the user wishes to start a channel giveaway or send some giftcodes to members of a channel, in exchange for boosts.

An invoice slug taken from an invoice deep link or from the premium_invoice_slug app config parameter »

Button to request a user to authorize via URL using Seamless Telegram Login.

Button that links directly to a user profile

Represents a channel post

Represents a location tag attached to a story, with additional venue information.

Phone book contact

Forwarded document

Document that will be downloaded by the telegram servers

Empty media content of a message.

A game


Generated invoice of a bot payment

Forwarded photo

New photo that will be uploaded by the server using the specified URL

A poll

Forwarded story

New document


Can be used to send a venue geolocation.

Specifies options that will be used to generate the link preview for the caption, or even a standalone link preview without an attached message.

Used by bots for fetching information about the message that originated a callback query

Message entity that can be used to create a user user mention: received mentions use the messageEntityMentionName constructor, instead.

Message by ID

Pinned message

Message to which the specified message replies to

Return only chat photo changes

Return only messages containing contacts

Filter for messages containing documents.

Filter is absent.

Return only messages containing geolocations

Return only messages containing gifs

Return only messages containing audio files

Return only messages where the current user was mentioned.

Return only phone calls

Filter for messages containing photos.

Filter for messages containing photos or videos.

Fetch only pinned messages

Return only round videos

Return only round videos and voice notes

Return only messages containing URLs

Filter for messages containing videos.

Return only messages containing voice notes

Notifications generated by all groups.

Notifications generated by a topic in a forum.

Notifications generated by a certain user or group.

Notifications generated by all users.

Payment credentials

Apple pay payment credentials

Google Pay payment credentials

Saved payment credentials

Defines a channel for further interaction.

Defines a min channel that was seen in a certain message of a certain chat.

Defines a chat for further interaction.

An empty constructor, no user or chat is defined.

Notification settings.

Location of profile photo of channel/group/supergroup/user

Defines the current user.

Defines a user for further interaction.

Defines a min user that was seen in a certain message of a certain chat.

Phone call

Phone contact.

Defines a photo for further interaction.

Empty constructor.

Use this object to download a photo with upload.getFile method

DEPRECATED legacy photo file location

Whether people can see your bio

Whether people can add you to their contact list by your phone number

Whether people will be able to invite you to chats

Whether messages forwarded from you will be anonymous

Whether you will accept phone calls

Whether people will be able to see your phone number

Whether to allow P2P communication during VoIP calls

Whether people will be able to see your profile picture

Whether people will be able to see your exact last online timestamp

Whether people can send you voice messages

Allow all users

Allow only participants of certain chats

Allow only close friends »

Allow only contacts

Allow only certain users

Disallow all

Disallow only participants of certain chats

Disallow only contacts

Disallow only certain users

Reply to a message.

Reply to a story.

Report for child abuse

Report for copyrighted content

Report for impersonation

Report an irrelevant geogroup

Report for illegal drugs


Report for divulgation of personal details

Report for pornography

Report for spam

Report for violence

Pre-uploaded passport file, for more info see the passport docs »

Location of encrypted telegram passport file.

Uploaded secure file, for more info see the passport docs »

A single media in an album or grouped media sent with messages.sendMultiMedia.

A document with stickers attached

A photo with stickers attached

Animated emojis stickerset

Animated emoji reaction stickerset (contains animations to play when a user clicks on a given animated emoji)

Used for fetching animated dice stickers

Default custom emoji status stickerset for channel statuses

Default custom emoji status stickerset

Default custom emoji stickerset for forum topic icons

Generic animation stickerset containing animations to play when reacting to messages using a normal emoji without a custom animation

Empty constructor

Stickerset by ID

Sticker in a stickerset

Stickers to show when receiving a gifted Telegram Premium subscription

Stickerset by short name, from a stickerset deep link »

Location of stickerset thumbnail (see files)

Info about a gifted Telegram Premium purchase

Used to gift Telegram Premium subscriptions only to some specific subscribers of a channel or to some of our contacts, see here » for more info on giveaways and gifts.

Used to pay for a giveaway, see here » for more info.

Info about a Telegram Premium purchase

Used to download a JSON file that will contain all personal data related to features that do not have a specialized takeout method yet, see here » for more info on the takeout API.


Theme settings

Theme by theme ID

Defines a user for further interaction.

Empty constructor, does not define a user.

Defines a min user that was seen in a certain message of a certain chat.

Defines the current user.

Wallpaper with no file access hash, used for example when deleting (unsave=true) wallpapers using account.saveWallPaper, specifying just the wallpaper ID.

Wallpaper by slug (a unique ID, obtained from a wallpaper link »)

The document

Used to download an album cover for any music file using upload.getWebFile, see the webfile docs for more info ».

Used to download a server-generated image with the map preview from a geoPoint, see the webfile docs for more info ».

Location of a remote HTTP(s) file


JSON array

JSON boolean value

null JSON value

JSON numeric value

JSON object value

JSON key: value pair

JSON string

Bot keyboard button

Button to buy a product

Callback button

Button to start a game

Button to request a user's geolocation

Prompts the user to select and share one or more peers with the bot using messages.sendBotRequestedPeer

Button to request a user's phone number

A button that allows the user to create and send a poll when pressed; available only in private

Inline keyboard row

Button to open a bot mini app using messages.requestSimpleWebView, without sending user information to the web app.

Button to force a user to switch to inline mode: pressing the button will prompt the user to select one of their chats, open that chat and insert the bot's username and the specified inline query in the input field.

URL button

Button to request a user to authorize via URL using Seamless Telegram Login. When the user clicks on such a button, messages.requestUrlAuth should be called, providing the button_id and the ID of the container message. The returned urlAuthResultRequest object will contain more details about the authorization request (request_write_access if the bot would like to send messages to the user along with the username of the bot which will be used for user authorization). Finally, the user can choose to call messages.acceptUrlAuth to get a urlAuthResultAccepted with the URL to open instead of the url of this constructor, or a urlAuthResultDefault, in which case the url of this constructor must be opened, instead. If the user refuses the authorization request but still wants to open the link, the url of this constructor must be used.

Button that links directly to a user profile

Button to open a bot mini app using messages.requestWebView, sending over user information after user confirmation.

This object represents a portion of the price for goods or services.

Changes to the app's localization pack

Identifies a localization pack

Translated localization string

Deleted localization string

A language pack string which has different forms based on the number of some object it mentions. See for more info

Position on a photo where a mask should be placed when attaching stickers to media »

Represents a channel post.

Coordinates and size of a clicable rectangular area on top of a story.

Represents a geolocation tag attached to a story.

Represents a reaction bubble.

Represents a location tag attached to a story, with additional venue information.

A message

We have given the bot permission to send us direct messages.

The channel was created

Indicates the channel was migrated from the specified chat

New member in the group

Group created

Group profile photo removed.

User left the group.

Group profile changed

Group name changed.

A user joined the chat via an invite link

A user was accepted into the group by an admin

Indicates the chat was migrated to the specified supergroup

A contact just signed up to telegram

Custom action (most likely not supported by the current layer, an upgrade might be needed)

Empty constructor.

Someone scored in a game

A user of the chat is now in proximity of another user

Info about a gifted Telegram Premium subscription

A giveaway was started.

A giveaway has ended.

The group call has ended

A group call was scheduled

Chat history was cleared

A set of users was invited to the group call

A payment was sent

A user just sent a payment to me (a bot)

A phone call

A message was pinned

Contains info about one or more peers that the user shared with the bot after clicking on a keyboardButtonRequestPeer button.

A screenshot of the chat was taken

Request for secure telegram passport values was sent

Secure telegram passport values were received

The chat theme was changed

The wallpaper » of the current chat was changed.

The Time-To-Live of messages in this chat was changed.

A new profile picture was suggested using photos.uploadContactProfilePhoto.

A forum topic was created.

Forum topic information was edited.

Data from an opened reply keyboard bot mini app was relayed to the bot that owns it (user side service message).

Data from an opened reply keyboard bot mini app was relayed to the bot that owns it (bot side service message).

Empty constructor, non-existent message.

Indicates a credit card number

Message entity representing a block quote.

Message entity representing bold text.

Message entity representing a bot /command

Message entity representing a $cashtag.

Message entity representing a codeblock.

Represents a custom emoji.
Note that this entity must wrap exactly one regular emoji (the one contained in documentAttributeCustomEmoji.alt) in the related text, otherwise the server will ignore it.

Message entity representing an

#hashtag message entity

Message entity representing italic text.

Message entity mentioning a user by @username; messageEntityMentionName can also be used to mention users by their ID.

Message entity representing a user mention: for creating a mention use inputMessageEntityMentionName.

Message entity representing a phone number.

Message entity representing a preformatted codeblock, allowing the user to specify a programming language for the codeblock.

Message entity representing a spoiler

Message entity representing strikethrough text.

Message entity representing a text url: for in-text urls like use messageEntityUrl.

Message entity representing underlined text.

Unknown message entity

Message entity representing an in-text url:; for text urls, use messageEntityTextUrl.

Extended media

Extended media preview

Info about a forwarded message

Attached contact.

Document (video, audio, voice, sticker, any media type except photo)

Empty constructor.

Telegram game

Attached map.

Indicates a live geolocation

Contains info about a giveaway, see here » for more info.

A giveaway with public winners has finished, this constructor contains info about the winners.


Attached photo.


Represents a forwarded story or a story mention.

Current version of the client does not support this media type.


Preview of webpage

How a certain peer reacted to the message

How a peer voted in a poll

How a peer voted in a poll (reduced constructor, returned if an option was provided to messages.getPollVotes)

How a peer voted in a multiple-choice poll

Indicates a range of chat messages

Message replies and thread information

Represents a reply to a story

Messages found and affected by changes

Affected part of communication history with the user or in a chat.

Events affected by operation

Info about all installed stickers

Info about all installed stickers hasn't changed

Archived stickersets

Animations and metadata associated with message reactions »

No new reactions are available

Contains information about a direct link Mini App

Callback answer sent by the bot in response to a button press

Result of a query to an inline bot

Channel messages

Info about chat invites generated by admins.

Full info about a channel, supergroup, gigagroup or basic group.

Info about the users that joined the chat using a specific chat invite

List of chats with auxiliary data.

Partial list of chats, more would have to be fetched with pagination

Contains a confirmation text to be shown to the user, upon importing chat history, click here for more info ».

New set of configuring parameters.

Configuring parameters did not change.

Full list of chats with messages and auxiliary data.

Dialogs haven't changed

Incomplete list of dialogs with messages and auxiliary data.

Information about a message thread

Represents a list of emoji categories.

The list of emoji categories hasn't changed.

Info about a chat invite

The specified chat invite was replaced with another one

Info about chat invites exported by a certain admin.

Favorited stickers

No new favorited stickers were found

Featured stickersets

Featured stickers haven't changed

Contains information about multiple forum topics

Found stickersets

No further results were found

Highscores in a game

Contains information about a chat export file generated by a foreign chat app, click here for more info.
If neither the pm or group flags are set, the specified chat export was generated from a chat of unknown type.

Inactive chat list

Message edit data for media

List of peers that reacted to a specific message

Full list of messages with auxiliary data.

No new messages matching the query were found

Incomplete list of messages and auxiliary data.

View, forward counter + info about replies

Dialog info of multiple peers

Peer settings

The server-side list of message reactions hasn't changed

Recently used stickers

No new recent sticker was found

Represents some saved message dialogs ».

The saved dialogs haven't changed

Incomplete list of saved message dialogs » with messages and auxiliary data.

Saved gifs

No new saved gifs were found

Indicates how many results would be found by a call with the same parameters

Information about found messages sent on a specific day

Information about sparse positions of messages

Message with a file enclosure sent to a protected chat

Message without file attachments sent to an encrypted file.

A set of sponsored messages associated to a channel

No sponsored messages are available.

Found stickers

Stickerset and stickers inside it

The stickerset was installed, but since there are too many stickersets some were archived

The stickerset was installed successfully

The stickerset hasn't changed

No new stickers were found for the given query

Translated text with entities

How users voted in a poll

Represents an Instant View webpage.

Indicates a service message

View, forward counter + info about replies of a specific message

Contains information about a single boost slot ».

Nearest data center, according to geo-ip.

Indicates the default notification sound should be used

Indicates a specific local notification sound should be used

No notification sound should be used

A specific previously uploaded notification sound should be used

Channel notification settings

Notifications generated by all groups.

Notifications generated by a topic in a forum.

Notifications generated by a certain user or group.

Notifications generated by all users.

Corresponds to an arbitrary empty object.

Link to section within the page itself (like <a href="#target">anchor</a>)


Author and date of creation of article

Quote (equivalent to the HTML <blockquote>)

Reference to a telegram channel

Collage of media

A page cover

A collapsible details block

An empty block separating a page

An embedded webpage

An embedded post

Page footer

Page header


Unordered list of IV blocks

A map

Ordered list of IV blocks

A paragraph

A photo

Preformatted (<pre> text)


Related articles






Unsupported IV element


Page caption

List item

List item

Ordered list of IV blocks

Ordered list of text items

Related article

Table cell

Table row

This key derivation algorithm defines that SRP 2FA login must be used

Unknown KDF (most likely, the client is outdated and does not support the specified KDF algorithm)

Payment identifier

Represents an additional payment method

Order info provided by the user

Credit card info, provided by the card's bank(s)

Contains info about a Telegram Premium giftcode link.

Contains info about an ongoing giveaway.

A giveaway has ended.

Payment form


Payment result

Payment was not successful, additional verification is needed

Saved server-side order information

Validated user-provided info

Saved credit card

Information about a blocked peer



Represents a color palette ».

Peer geolocated nearby

Notification settings.

Current peer

List of actions that are possible when interacting with this user, to be shown as suggested actions in the chat action bar », see here » for more info.

Stories associated to a peer

Chat partner

An invite to a group call or livestream

Contains info about a group call, and partial info about its participants.

Info about RTMP streams in a group call or livestream

RTMP URL and stream key to be used in streaming software

Info about the participants of a group call or livestream

A list of peers that can be used to join a group call, presenting yourself as a specific user/channel.

A VoIP phone call

Phone call

An accepted phone call

Indicates a discarded phone call

The phone call was discarded because the user is busy in another call

The phone call was disconnected

The phone call was ended normally

The phone call was missed

Empty constructor

Protocol info for libtgvoip

Requested phone call

Incoming phone call

Identifies an endpoint that can be used to connect to the other user in a phone call

WebRTC connection parameters


Description of an image and its content.

Empty constructor, non-existent photo

Messages with animated stickers can have a compressed svg (< 300 bytes) to show the outline of the sticker before fetching the actual lottie animation.

Photo with auxiliary data.

Full list of photos with auxiliary data.

Incomplete list of photos with auxiliary data.

Image description.

Empty constructor. Image with this thumbnail is unavailable.

Progressively encoded photosize

A low-resolution compressed JPG payload


A possible answer of a poll

A poll answer, and how users voted on it

Results of poll

Popular contact

Shipping address

Interaction counters for a message.

Interaction counters for a story.

List of boosts that were applied to a peer by multiple users.

Contains info about the current boost status of a peer.

A list of peers we are currently boosting, and how many boost slots we have left.

Contains info about a giveaway/gift option.

Telegram Premium gift option

Describes a Telegram Premium subscription option

Contains info about a prepaid giveaway ».

Whether people can see your bio

Whether this user can be added to our contact list by their phone number

Whether the user can be invited to chats

Whether messages forwarded from the user will be anonymously forwarded

Whether the user accepts phone calls

Whether the user allows us to see his phone number

Whether P2P connections in phone calls with this user are allowed

Whether the profile picture of the user is visible

Whether we can see the last online timestamp of this user

Whether the user accepts voice messages

Allow all users

Allow all participants of certain chats

Allow only close friends »

Allow all contacts

Allow only certain users

Disallow all users

Disallow only participants of certain chats

Disallow only contacts

Disallow only certain users

Contains info about a forward of a story as a message.

Contains info about a forward of a story as a repost by a public channel.


Custom emoji message reaction

Normal emoji message reaction

No reaction

Contains info about when a certain participant has read a message

Message ID, for which PUSH-notifications were cancelled.

Recent link to a chat

Recent invite link to a chat

Recent stickerset installation URL

Unknown url

Recent link to a user

Bot or inline keyboard

Force the user to send a reply

Hide sent bot keyboard

Bot keyboard

Choose a channel

Choose a chat or supergroup

Choose a user.

Restriction reason.

Represents a saved dialog ».

Saved contact

Information about a message in a specific position

Information about found messages sent on a specific day, used to split the messages in messages.searchResultsCalendar constructors by days.

Encrypted credentials required to decrypt telegram passport data.

Secure passport data, for more info see the passport docs »

Secure passport file, for more info see the passport docs »

Empty constructor

PBKDF2 with SHA512 and 100000 iterations KDF algo

SHA512 KDF algo

Unknown KDF algo (most likely the client has to be updated)

Required type

One of

Secure settings

Secure value

Secure value error

Represents an issue in one of the data fields that was provided by the user. The error is considered resolved when the field's value changes.

Represents an issue with a document scan. The error is considered resolved when the file with the document scan changes.

Represents an issue with a list of scans. The error is considered resolved when the list of files containing the scans changes.

Represents an issue with the front side of a document. The error is considered resolved when the file with the front side of the document changes.

Represents an issue with the reverse side of a document. The error is considered resolved when the file with reverse side of the document changes.

Represents an issue with the selfie with a document. The error is considered resolved when the file with the selfie changes.

Represents an issue with one of the files that constitute the translation of a document. The error is considered resolved when the file changes.

Represents an issue with the translated version of a document. The error is considered resolved when a file with the document translation changes.

Secure value hash


Bank statement

Driver's license


Identity card

Internal passport


Internal registration passport

Personal details


Rental agreement

Temporary registration

Utility bill

Indicates a peer that can be used to send messages

Invalidate all previous action updates. E.g. when user deletes entered text or aborts a video upload.

User is selecting a contact to share.

User is choosing a sticker

User has clicked on an animated emoji triggering a reaction, click here for more info ».

User is watching an animated emoji reaction triggered by another user, click here for more info ».

User is playing a game

User is selecting a location to share.

Chat history is being imported

User is recording a voice message.

User is recording a round video to share

User is recording a video.

User is typing.

User is uploading a voice message.

User is uploading a file.

User is uploading a photo.

User is uploading a round video

User is uploading a video.

Shipping option

Contains the webview URL with appropriate theme parameters added

User is currently speaking in the group call

Represents a sponsored website.

Supergroup statistics

Message statistics

Contains info about the forwards of a story as a message to public chats and reposts by public channels.

Contains statistics about a story.

Statistics value couple; initial and final value for period of time currently in consideration

Channel statistics date range

This channel statistics graph must be generated asynchronously using stats.loadAsyncGraph to reduce server load

An error occurred while generating the statistics graph

Information about an active admin in a supergroup

Information about an active supergroup inviter

Information about an active user in a supergroup

Channel statistics percentage.
Compute the percentage simply by doing parttotal / 100

URL with chat statistics

Keywords for a certain sticker

A stickerpack is a group of stickers associated to the same emoji.
It is*not** a sticker pack the way it is usually intended, you may be looking for a StickerSet.

A suggested short name for a stickerpack

Represents a stickerset (stickerpack)

Stickerset with a single sticker as preview

Stickerset preview with all stickers of the stickerset included.
Currently used only for custom emoji stickersets, to avoid a further call to messages.getStickerSet.

Stickerset, with multiple stickers as preview

Just the stickerset information, with no previews.

GIF image. MIME type: image/gif.

JPEG image. MIME type: image/jpeg.

Quicktime video. MIME type: video/quicktime.

Mp3 audio. MIME type: audio/mpeg.

MPEG-4 video. MIME type: video/mp4.

Part of a bigger file.

PDF document image. MIME type: application/pdf.

PNG image. MIME type: image/png.

Unknown type.

WEBP image. MIME type: image/webp.

Full list of active (or active and hidden) stories.

The list of active (or active and hidden) stories has not changed.

Active story list of a specific peer.

List of stories

List of peers that reacted to or intercated with a specific story

Reaction and view counters for a list of stories

Reaction and view counters for a story

Information about the current stealth mode session.

Contains info about the original poster of a reposted story.

Represents a story.

Represents a previously active story, that was deleted

Represents an active story, whose full information was omitted for space and performance reasons; use stories.getStoriesByID to fetch full info about the skipped story when and if needed.

How a certain peer reacted to a story

A certain peer has forwarded the story as a message to a public chat or channel.

A certain peer has reposted the story.

Story view date and reaction information

A certain peer has forwarded the story as a message to a public chat or channel.

A certain peer has reposted the story.

Aggregated view and reaction information of a story.

Text linking to another section of the page

Bold text

Concatenation of rich texts

Rich text email link

Empty rich text element

fixed-width rich text

Inline image

Italic text

Highlighted text

Rich text linked to a phone number

Plain text

Strikethrough text

Subscript text

Superscript text

Underlined text


Styled text with message entities


Theme settings

Top peer

Most used inline bots

Most used bots

Most frequently visited channels

Users we've chatted most frequently with

Chats to which the users often forwards messages to

Users to which the users often forwards messages to

Often-opened groups and supergroups

Top peer category

Most frequently called users


The list of installed attachment menu entries » has changed, use messages.getAttachMenuBots to fetch the updated list.

Media autosave settings have changed and must be refetched using account.getAutoSaveSettings.

A callback button was pressed, and the button data was sent to the bot that created the button

A channel boost has changed (bots only)

Someone has requested to join a chat or channel (bots only, users will receive an updatePendingJoinRequests, instead)

The command set of a certain bot in a certain chat has changed.

An incoming inline query

The result of an inline query that was chosen by a user and sent to their chat partner. Please see our documentation on the feedback collecting for details on how to enable these updates for your bot.

The menu button behavior for the specified bot has changed

Bots only: a user has changed their reactions on a message with public reactions.

Bots only: the number of reactions on a message with anonymous reactions has changed.

This object contains information about an incoming pre-checkout query.

This object contains information about an incoming shipping query.

A bot was stopped or re-started.

A new incoming event; for bots only

A new incoming query; for bots only

A new channel or supergroup is available, or info about an existing channel has changed and must be refeteched.

The history of a channel/supergroup was hidden.

The forward counter of a message in a channel has changed

The view counter of a message in a channel has changed

A participant has left, joined, was banned or admined in a channel or supergroup.

A forum topic » was pinned or unpinned.

The pinned topics of a forum have changed.

The specified channel/supergroup messages were read

There are new updates in the specified channel, the client must fetch them.
If the difference is too long or if the channel isn't currently in the states, start fetching from the specified pts.

A user is typing in a supergroup, channel or message thread

Users may also choose to display messages from all topics as if they were sent to a normal group, using a "View as messages" setting in the local client.
This setting only affects the current account, and is synced to other logged in sessions using the channels.toggleViewForumAsMessages method; invoking this method will update the value of the view_forum_as_messages flag of channelFull or dialog and emit an updateChannelViewForumAsMessages.

A webpage preview of a link in a channel/supergroup message was generated

A new chat is available

Default banned rights in a normal chat were updated

A user has joined or left a specific chat

New group member.

Admin permissions of a user in a basic group were changed

A member has left the group.

Composition of chat participants changed.

The user is preparing a message in a group; typing, recording, uploading, etc. This update is valid for 6 seconds. If no further updates of this kind are received after 6 seconds, it should be considered that the user stopped doing whatever they were doing

The server-side configuration has changed; the client should re-fetch the config using help.getConfig

All contacts were deleted

Changes in the data center configuration options.

Some messages in a supergroup/channel were deleted

Messages were deleted.

Some scheduled messages were deleted from the schedule queue of a chat

A new folder was added

New folder order

Clients should update folder info

A dialog was pinned/unpinned

The manual unread mark of a chat was changed

Notifies a change of a message draft.

A message was edited in a channel/supergroup

A message was edited

Interlocutor is typing a message in an encrypted chat. Update period is 6 second. If upon this time there is no repeated update, it shall be considered that the interlocutor stopped typing.

Communication history in an encrypted chat was marked as read.

Change of state in an encrypted chat.

The list of favorited stickers was changed, the client should call messages.getFavedStickers to refetch the new list

The peer list of a peer folder was updated

Live geoposition message was viewed

A new groupcall was started

New WebRTC parameters

The participant list of a certain group call has changed

0-N updates of this type may be returned only when invoking messages.addChatUser, channels.inviteToChannel or messages.createChat: it indicates we couldn't add a user to a chat because of their privacy settings; if required, an invite link can be shared with the user, instead.

This notification is received by bots when a button is pressed

Language pack updated

A language pack has changed, the client should manually fetch the changed strings using langpack.getDifference

A login token (for login via QR code) was accepted.

Extended media update

Sent message with random_id client identifier was assigned an identifier.

The results of a poll have changed

A specific peer has voted in a poll

New message reactions » are available

A stickerset was just moved to top, see here for more info »

A new session logged into the current user's account through an unknown device.

A new message was sent in a channel/supergroup

New encrypted message.

New message in a private chat or in a basic group.

A message was added to the schedule queue of a chat

A new stickerset was installed

Changes in notification settings.

We blocked a peer, see here » for more info on blocklists.

The Time-To-Live for messages sent by the current user in a specific chat has changed

List of peers near you was updated

Settings of a certain peer have changed

The wallpaper » of a given peer has changed.

Someone has requested to join a chat or channel

An incoming phone call

Incoming phone call signaling payload

Messages were pinned/unpinned in a channel/supergroup

Pinned dialogs were updated

Some messages were pinned in a chat

Privacy rules were changed

Incoming comments in a discussion thread were marked as read

Outgoing comments in a discussion thread were marked as read

Incoming messages in a channel/supergroup were read

Outgoing messages in a channel/supergroup were read

Some featured custom emoji stickers were marked as read

Some featured stickers were marked as read

Incoming messages were read

Outgoing messages were read

Contents of messages in the common message box were read

Stories of a specific peer were marked as read.

The list of recent emoji statuses has changed

The list of recent message reactions has changed

The recent sticker list was updated

Full constructor of updates

The new updates

There are no new updates

The provided pts + limit < remote pts. Simply, there are too many updates to be fetched (more than limit), the client has to resolve the update gap in one of the following ways (assuming the existence of a persistent database to locally store messages):

Full list of occurred events.

No events.

Incomplete list of occurred events.

The difference is too long, and the specified state must be used to refetch updates.

Updates state.

A saved message dialog was pinned/unpinned

The saved gif list has changed, the client should refetch it using messages.getSavedGifs

The list of saved notification sounds has changed, use account.getSavedRingtones to fetch the new list.

Constructor for a group of updates.

Indicates we reacted to a story ».

A service message for the user.

Shortened constructor containing info on one update not requiring auxiliary data

Shortened constructor containing info on one new incoming text message from a chat

Info about a message sent to (received from) another user

Shortened constructor containing info on one outgoing message to a contact (the destination chat has to be extracted from the method call that returned this object).

Installed stickersets have changed, the client should refetch them as described in the docs.

The order of stickersets was changed

Too many updates, it is necessary to execute updates.getDifference.

Indicates that stories stealth mode was activated.

A new story was posted.

A story was successfully uploaded.

A cloud theme was updated

A pending voice message transcription » initiated with messages.transcribeAudio was updated.

User information was updated, it must be refetched using users.getFullUser.

The emoji status of a certain user has changed

Changes the user's first name, last name and username.

A user's phone number was changed

Contact status update.

The user is preparing a message; typing, recording, uploading, etc. This update is valid for 6 seconds. If no further updates of this kind are received after 6 seconds, it should be considered that the user stopped doing whatever they were doing

An instant view webpage preview was generated

Indicates to a bot that a webview was closed and an inline message was sent on behalf of the user using messages.sendWebViewResultMessage

Represent a chunk of a CDN file.

The file was cleared from the temporary RAM cache of the CDN and has to be re-uploaded.

File content.

The file must be downloaded from a CDN DC.

Represents a chunk of an HTTP webfile downloaded through telegram's secure MTProto servers

Details about an accepted authorization request, for more info click here »

Details about an accepted authorization request, for more info click here »

Details about the authorization request, for more info click here »

Indicates info about a certain user

Empty constructor, non-existent user.

Extended user info

Contains information about a username.

User profile photo.

Profile photo has not been set, or was hidden.

Full user information

User status has not been set yet.

Online status: last seen last month

Online status: last seen last week

The user's offline status.

Online status of the user.

Online status: last seen recently

An animated profile picture in MPEG4 format

Represents a wallpaper based on an image.

Represents a wallpaper only based on colors/gradients.

Wallpaper rendering information.

Represents a bot logged in using the Telegram login widget

Remote document

Remote document that can be downloaded without proxying through telegram

Webpage preview

Webpage preview of a Telegram story

Page theme

No preview is available for the webpage

The preview of the webpage hasn't changed

A preview of the webpage is currently being generated

Info about a sent inline webview message

Contains the webview URL with appropriate theme and user info parameters added