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function sequentialize
import { sequentialize } from "";

Using a runner for grammY allows your bot to run middleware concurrently. This has the benefit that multiple messages can be processed concurrently, hence making your bot drastically more scalable, but it comes at the cost that race conditions may occur because some messages need to be processed in order.

The solution to this problem is by making sure that some updates wait for others to be done processing before running their middleware. This can be achieved by middleware.

This function creates that middleware for you. You can pass in a constraint function that determines what updates could clash, and you will be provided by middleware that will ensure that clashes will not occur. A constraint is simply a string that is derived from an update.

As an example, you can use this constraint function to make sure that messages inside the same chat are never processed concurrently:

// Correctly order updates with the same chat identifier
const constraint = (ctx: Context) => String(


It is possible to return an array of strings if multiple constraints should hold, such as "process things inside the same chat in sequence, but also from the same user across chats":

const constraints = (ctx: Context) => [String(, String(]


Sequentializing updates is especially important when using session middleware in order to prevent write-after-read hazards. In this case, you should provide the same function to determine constraints as you use to resolve the session key.


constraint: (ctx: C) => string | string[] | undefined

Function that determines the constraints of an update