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MySQL client for Deno with focus on performance. Supports prepared statements, non-utf8 encodings, binary log protocol, compression much more
class ConnectionConfig
import { ConnectionConfig } from "";


ConnectionConfig(options: any)


authPlugins: any
authSwitchHandler: any
bigNumberStrings: boolean
charsetNumber: any
clientFlags: number
compress: any
connectAttributes: any
connectTimeout: number
database: string
dateStrings: boolean
debug: boolean
decimalNumbers: boolean
enableKeepAlive: boolean
host: string
insecureAuth: any
isServer: boolean
keepAliveInitialDelay: number
localAddress: string
maxPacketSize: number
maxPreparedStatements: any
multipleStatements: any
namedPlaceholders: any
nestTables: any
password: string
password2: string | undefined
password3: string | undefined
passwordSha1: string
pool: any
port: number
queryFormat: any
rowsAsArray: any
socketPath: string
stream: any
stringifyObjects: boolean
supportBigNumbers: boolean
timezone: string
trace: boolean
typeCast: any
user: string

Static Methods

getCharsetNumber(charset: string)
getDefaultFlags(options: any)
mergeFlags(default_flags: any, user_flags: any)
parseUrl(url: string)