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MySQL driver for Deno
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import { Client } from "./client.ts";import { log } from "./logger.ts";import { buildAuth } from "./packets/builders/auth.ts";import { buildQuery } from "./packets/builders/query.ts";import { ReceivePacket, SendPacket } from "./packets/packet.ts";import { parseError } from "./packets/parsers/err.ts";import { parseHandshake } from "./packets/parsers/handshake.ts";import { FieldInfo, parseField, parseRow } from "./packets/parsers/result.ts";
/** * Connection state */export enum ConnectionState { CONNECTING, CONNECTED, COLSING, CLOSED}
/** * Result for excute sql */export type ExecuteResult = { affectedRows?: number; lastInsertId?: number; fields?: FieldInfo[]; rows?: any[];};
/** Connection for mysql */export class Connection { state: ConnectionState = ConnectionState.CONNECTING; capabilities: number = 0;
private conn: Deno.Conn;
constructor(readonly client: Client) {}
private async _connect() { const { hostname, port } = this.client.config;`connecting ${hostname}:${port}`); this.conn = await Deno.dial("tcp", `${hostname}:${port}`);
let receive = await this.nextPacket(); const handshakePacket = parseHandshake(receive.body); const data = buildAuth(handshakePacket, { username: this.client.config.username, password: this.client.config.password, db: this.client.config.db }); await new SendPacket(data, 0x1).send(this.conn); this.state = ConnectionState.CONNECTING; this.capabilities = handshakePacket.serverCapabilities;
receive = await this.nextPacket(); const header = receive.body.readUint8(); if (header === 0xff) { const error = parseError(receive.body, this); log.error(`connect error(${error.code}): ${error.message}`); this.close(); throw new Error(error.message); } else {`connected to ${this.client.config.hostname}`); this.state = ConnectionState.CONNECTED; } }
/** Connect to database */ async connect(): Promise<void> { let { retry = 3, timeout = 10000 } = this.client.config; let timer = 0; while (retry--) { try { await Promise.race([ this._connect().then(() => clearTimeout(timer)), new Promise( (_, reject) => (timer = setTimeout(() => { this.conn && this.conn.close(); reject(new Error("connect timeout")); }, timeout)) ) ]); if (this.state == ConnectionState.CONNECTED) { break; } break; } catch (err) { log.error(err.message);`retrying ${retry}`); } } if (this.state !== ConnectionState.CONNECTED) { throw new Error("connect fail"); } }
private async nextPacket(): Promise<ReceivePacket> { while (this.conn) { const packet = await new ReceivePacket().parse(this.conn); if (packet) { if (packet.type === "ERR") { packet.body.skip(1); const error = parseError(packet.body, this); throw new Error(error.message); } return packet; } } }
/** Close database connection */ close(): void {"close connection"); this.state = ConnectionState.COLSING; this.conn && this.conn.close(); this.state = ConnectionState.CLOSED; }
/** * excute query sql * @param sql query sql string * @param params query params */ async query(sql: string, params?: any[]): Promise<ExecuteResult | any[]> { const result = await this.execute(sql, params); if (result && result.rows) { return result.rows; } else { return result; } }
/** * excute sql * @param sql sql string * @param params query params */ async execute(sql: string, params?: any[]): Promise<ExecuteResult> { const data = buildQuery(sql, params); await new SendPacket(data, 0).send(this.conn); let receive = await this.nextPacket(); if (receive.type === "OK") { receive.body.skip(1); return { affectedRows: receive.body.readEncodedLen(), lastInsertId: receive.body.readEncodedLen() }; } let fieldCount = receive.body.readEncodedLen(); const fields: FieldInfo[] = []; while (fieldCount--) { const packet = await this.nextPacket(); const field = parseField(packet.body); fields.push(field); }
const rows = []; receive = await this.nextPacket(); // EOF(less than 5.7) if (receive.type == "RESULT") { const row = parseRow(receive.body, fields); rows.push(row); } while (true) { receive = await this.nextPacket(); if (receive.type === "EOF") { break; } else { const row = parseRow(receive.body, fields); rows.push(row); } } return { rows, fields }; }}