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MySQL driver for Deno
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import { assertEquals, assertThrowsAsync,} from "./deps.ts";import { WriteError } from "./src/constant/errors.ts";import { createTestDB, testWithClient } from "./test.util.ts";
testWithClient(async function testCreateDb(client) { await client.query(`CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS enok`);});
testWithClient(async function testCreateTable(client) { await client.query(`DROP TABLE IF EXISTS users`); await client.query(` CREATE TABLE users ( id int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, name varchar(100) NOT NULL, is_top tinyint(1) default 0, created_at timestamp not null default current_timestamp, PRIMARY KEY (id) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4; `);});
testWithClient(async function testInsert(client) { let result = await client.execute(`INSERT INTO users(name) values(?)`, [ "manyuanrong", ]); assertEquals(result, { affectedRows: 1, lastInsertId: 1 }); result = await client.execute(`INSERT INTO users ?? values ?`, [ ["id", "name"], [2, "MySQL"], ]); assertEquals(result, { affectedRows: 1, lastInsertId: 2 });});
testWithClient(async function testUpdate(client) { let result = await client.execute( `update users set ?? = ?, ?? = ? WHERE id = ?`, ["name", "MYR🦕", "created_at", new Date(), 1], ); assertEquals(result, { affectedRows: 1, lastInsertId: 0 });});
testWithClient(async function testQuery(client) { let result = await client.query( "select ??,`is_top`,`name` from ?? where id = ?", ["id", "users", 1], ); assertEquals(result, [{ id: 1, name: "MYR🦕", is_top: false }]);});
testWithClient(async function testQueryErrorOccurred(client) { assertEquals(client.pool, { size: 0, maxSize: client.config.poolSize, available: 0, }); await assertThrowsAsync( () => client.query("select unknownfield from `users`"), Error, ); await client.query("select 1"); assertEquals(client.pool, { size: 1, maxSize: client.config.poolSize, available: 1, });});
testWithClient(async function testQueryList(client) { const sql = "select ??,?? from ??"; let result = await client.query(sql, ["id", "name", "users"]); assertEquals(result, [ { id: 1, name: "MYR🦕" }, { id: 2, name: "MySQL" }, ]);});
testWithClient(async function testDelete(client) { let result = await client.execute(`delete from users where ?? = ?`, [ "id", 1, ]); assertEquals(result, { affectedRows: 1, lastInsertId: 0 });});
testWithClient(async function testPool(client) { assertEquals(client.pool, { maxSize: client.config.poolSize, available: 0, size: 0, }); const expect = new Array(10).fill([{ "1": 1 }]); const result = await Promise.all( => client.query(`select 1`)));
assertEquals(client.pool, { maxSize: client.config.poolSize, available: 3, size: 3, }); assertEquals(result, expect);});
testWithClient(async function testQueryOnClosed(client) { for (const i of [0, 0, 0]) { await assertThrowsAsync(async () => { await client.transaction(async (conn) => { conn.close(); await conn.query("SELECT 1"); }); }, WriteError); } assertEquals(client.pool?.size, 0); await client.query("select 1");});
testWithClient(async function testTransactionSuccess(client) { const success = await client.transaction(async (connection) => { await connection.execute("insert into users(name) values(?)", [ "transaction1", ]); await connection.execute("delete from users where id = ?", [2]); return true; }); assertEquals(true, success); const result = await client.query("select name,id from users"); assertEquals([{ name: "transaction1", id: 3 }], result);});
testWithClient(async function testTransactionRollback(client) { let success; await assertThrowsAsync(async () => { success = await client.transaction(async (connection) => { // Insert an existing id await connection.execute("insert into users(name,id) values(?,?)", [ "transaction2", 3, ]); return true; }); }); assertEquals(undefined, success); const result = await client.query("select name from users"); assertEquals([{ name: "transaction1" }], result);});
await createTestDB();