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MySQL driver for Deno
Extremely Popular
import { DeferredStack } from "./deferred.ts";import { Connection } from "./connection.ts";import { log } from "./logger.ts";
/** @ignore */export class PoolConnection extends Connection { _pool?: ConnectionPool = undefined;
private _idleTimer?: number = undefined; private _idle = false;
/** * Should be called by the pool. */ enterIdle() { this._idle = true; if (this.config.idleTimeout) { this._idleTimer = setTimeout(() => {"connection idle timeout"); this._pool!.remove(this); try { this.close(); } catch (error) { log.warning(`error closing idle connection`, error); } }, this.config.idleTimeout); try { // Don't block the event loop from finishing Deno.unrefTimer(this._idleTimer); } catch (_error) { // unrefTimer() is unstable API in older version of Deno } } }
/** * Should be called by the pool. */ exitIdle() { this._idle = false; if (this._idleTimer !== undefined) { clearTimeout(this._idleTimer); } }
/** * Remove the connection from the pool permanently, when the connection is not usable. */ removeFromPool() { this._pool!.reduceSize(); this._pool = undefined; }
returnToPool() { this._pool?.push(this); }}
/** @ignore */export class ConnectionPool { _deferred: DeferredStack<PoolConnection>; _connections: PoolConnection[] = []; _closed: boolean = false;
constructor(maxSize: number, creator: () => Promise<PoolConnection>) { this._deferred = new DeferredStack(maxSize, this._connections, async () => { const conn = await creator(); conn._pool = this; return conn; }); }
get info() { return { size: this._deferred.size, maxSize: this._deferred.maxSize, available: this._deferred.available, }; }
push(conn: PoolConnection) { if (this._closed) { conn.close(); this.reduceSize(); } if (this._deferred.push(conn)) { conn.enterIdle(); } }
async pop(): Promise<PoolConnection> { if (this._closed) { throw new Error("Connection pool is closed"); } let conn = this._deferred.tryPopAvailable(); if (conn) { conn.exitIdle(); } else { conn = await this._deferred.pop(); } return conn; }
remove(conn: PoolConnection) { return this._deferred.remove(conn); }
/** * Close the pool and all connections in the pool. * * After closing, pop() will throw an error, * push() will close the connection immediately. */ close() { this._closed = true;
let conn: PoolConnection | undefined; while (conn = this._deferred.tryPopAvailable()) { conn.exitIdle(); conn.close(); this.reduceSize(); } }
reduceSize() { this._deferred.reduceSize(); }}