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MySQL driver for Deno
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import { Client, ClientConfig, Connection } from "./mod.ts";import { assertEquals, parse } from "./test.deps.ts";
const { DB_PORT, DB_NAME, DB_PASSWORD, DB_USER, DB_HOST, DB_SOCKPATH } = Deno .env.toObject();const port = DB_PORT ? parseInt(DB_PORT) : 3306;const db = DB_NAME || "test";const password = DB_PASSWORD;const username = DB_USER || "root";const hostname = DB_HOST || "";const sockPath = DB_SOCKPATH || "/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock";
const config: ClientConfig = { timeout: 10000, poolSize: 3, debug: true, hostname, username, port, db, charset: "utf8mb4", password,};
const tests: (Parameters<typeof testWithClient>)[] = [];
export function testWithClient( fn: (client: Client) => void | Promise<void>, overrideConfig?: ClientConfig,): void { tests.push([fn, overrideConfig]);}
export function registerTests(methods?: ("tcp" | "unix")[]) { if (!methods) { methods = Deno.env.get("TEST_METHODS")?.split(",") as any || ["tcp"]; } if (methods!.includes("tcp")) { tests.forEach(([fn, overrideConfig]) => { Deno.test({ name: + " (TCP)", async fn() { await test({ ...config, ...overrideConfig }, fn); }, }); }); } if (methods!.includes("unix")) { tests.forEach(([fn, overrideConfig]) => { Deno.test({ name: + " (UNIX domain socket)", async fn() { await test( { ...config, socketPath: sockPath, ...overrideConfig }, fn, ); }, }); }); }}
async function test( config: ClientConfig, fn: (client: Client) => void | Promise<void>,) { const resources = Deno.resources(); const client = await new Client().connect(config); try { await fn(client); } finally { await client.close(); } assertEquals( Deno.resources(), resources, "The client is leaking resources", );}
export async function createTestDB() { const client = await new Client().connect({ ...config, poolSize: 1, db: undefined, }); await client.execute(`CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS ${db}`); await client.close();}
export function isMariaDB(connection: Connection): boolean { return connection.serverVersion.includes("MariaDB");}
export function delay(ms: number) { return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, ms));}