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Nano is a template engine initially made for use with Deno Deploy, which currently doesn’t support template engines that rely on eval() for evaluating expressions at runtime. Nano currently supports logical and binary expressions but only using variables passed during the rendering phase and/or primitive values i.e. strings, numbers and booleans. Nano does still support all the basics like if/else/for statements, nested loops, filters, and imports with props. Nano inherits most of its syntax from the most commonly known template engines like Django, Twig, etc.


As with most template engines, the output is rendered by combining a string template, a data object, and an optional set of filters.

const template = `<div>Hello {{ name | shout }}</div>`;
const data = {
    name: "Alejandro"
const filters = {
    shout: (value: string) => `${value}!`

const result = await render(template, data, filters);


<div>Hello Alejandro!</div>


An options object can be passed as fourth argument

await render(template, data, filters, options);
  • display_comments (default: false)
    • whether to display {# comments #} in the rendered output
  • import_directory (default: ”)
    • base directory to prepend to all paths used in {% import %} blocks


Variable access

Both dot and bracket notation is supported. Undefined/null variables are output as empty strings.

{{ }}
{{ value['nested']['property'] }}


Filters are functions that can be applied to any variable or primitive value. Filters don’t support function arguments, but can be chained.

{{ "Hello" | to_lowercase }}
{{ my_array | first_item | to_uppercase }}

Ternary operator

{{ foo == true ? "yes" : "no" }}


Nano support logical and binary expressions and can be used in combination with filters with any variable and/or primitive value

{{ foo == true && !bar || baz >= 10 | times_two ? "yes" | to_uppercase : "no" }}


{% if foo > 100 && bar <= 5 | times_two %}
{% elseif baz != "something" || !foo %}
{% else %}
{% endif%}


{% for item in items %}
{% endfor %}

It’s possible to get the index in the loop

{% for item, index in items %}
{% endfor %}

As well as loop over objects

{% for key, value in object %}
{% endfor %}

Filters can also be applied to variables

{% for item, index in array | filtered | sorted %}
{% endfor %}


Source code can be imported from other sources.

{{ import 'subfolder/other_file.html' }}

The imported module will have access to the same data and filters from its parent scope:

{# main.html #}
{% for item in items %}
  {{ import 'file.html' }}
{% endfor %}

{# file.html #}
I can render {{ item }} from here.

However it’s possible to pass variables as props which allows for greater reusability of components:

{# main.html #}
{% for item in items %}
  {{ import 'file.html' with { foo: item } }}
{% endfor %}

{# file.html #}
{{ index }} does not exist here, but {{ foo }} does.


{# comments look like this #}

Escaped output

Nano doesn’t provide a built-in method for escaping HTML but this can easily be solved with a filter:

const template = `<code>{{ raw_html | escape }}</code>`;
const data = {
    raw_html: "<script>/**/</script>"
const filters = {
    escape: (html_input: string) => {
        const character_map: Record<string, string> = {
            '&': '&amp;',
            '<': '&lt;',
            '>': '&gt;',
            '"': '&quot;',
            "'": '&#39;',
            '`': '&#x60;',
            '=': '&#x3D;',
            '/': '&#x2F;',

        return html_input.replace(/[&<>"'`=\/]/g, (match: string) => character_map[match]);

const result = await render(template, data, filters);

