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🎯 SSR first, lightweight 1kB JSX library.
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import { Component } from '../component.ts'import { appendChildren, h, isSSR } from '../core.ts'
class Attributes extends Map { toString() { let string = '' for (const [key, value] of this) string += ` ${key}="${value}"` return string.trim() }}
export class Helmet extends Component { static SSR(body: string) { const reg = /(<helmet\b[^>]*>)((.|\r|\n)*?)(<\/helmet>)/gm
// collect all elements const head: HTMLElement[] = [] const footer: HTMLElement[] = [] const attributes = { html: new Attributes(), body: new Attributes() }
// get what's in the head if (typeof document !== 'undefined' && document.head) { let children: HTMLElement[] = [] children = [] for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { // check if the same element already exists if (head.indexOf(children[i]) === -1) { head.push(children[i]) } } }
let result!: any while ((result = reg.exec(body)) !== null) { const first = result[1] let second = result[2]
const regHTML = /<html\s([^>]+)><\/html>/gm const regBody = /<body\s([^>]+)><\/body>/gm const regAttr = /(\w+)="([^"]+)"/gm let res = null
// extract html attributes body.match(regHTML)?.forEach(h => { second = second.replace(h, '') while ((res = regAttr.exec(h)) !== null) { attributes.html.set(res[1], res[2]) } }) // extract body attributes body.match(regBody)?.forEach(b => { second = second.replace(b, '') while ((res = regAttr.exec(b)) !== null) { attributes.body.set(res[1], res[2]) } })
const toHead = first.includes('data-placement="head"')
// do not add an element if it already exists if (toHead && !head.includes(second)) head.push(second) else if (!toHead && !footer.includes(second)) footer.push(second) }
// clean the body from all matches const cleanBody = body.replace(reg, '') return { body: cleanBody, head: head as unknown as string[], footer: footer as unknown as string[], attributes } }
didMount() { this.props.children.forEach((element: HTMLElement) => { // return if it is not an html element if (!(element instanceof HTMLElement)) return
const parent = this.props.footer ? document.body : document.head const tag = element.tagName let attrs: string[] = []
// get the inner text attrs.push(element.innerText as string)
// get all attributes for (let attr = 0; attr < element.attributes.length; attr++) { attrs.push(element.attributes.item(attr)?.name.toLowerCase() as string) attrs.push(element.attributes.item(attr)?.value.toLowerCase() as string) }
// handle special tags if (tag === 'HTML' || tag === 'BODY') { const htmlTag = document.getElementsByTagName(tag)[0] for (let attr = 1; attr < attrs.length; attr += 2) { htmlTag.setAttribute(attrs[attr], attrs[attr + 1]) } return } else if (tag === 'TITLE') { const titleTags = document.getElementsByTagName('TITLE') as HTMLCollectionOf<HTMLTitleElement> if (titleTags.length > 0) { const e = element as HTMLTitleElement titleTags[0].text = e.text } else { const titleTag = h('title', null, element.innerHTML) as HTMLTitleElement appendChildren(parent, [titleTag], false) } return }
// check if the element already exists let exists = false attrs = attrs.sort()
const el = document.getElementsByTagName(tag) as unknown as HTMLElement[]
for (let i = 0; i < el.length; i++) { let attrs2: string[] = []
// get the inner text attrs2.push(el[i].innerText as string)
for (let attr = 0; attr < el[i].attributes.length; attr++) { attrs2.push(el[i].attributes.item(attr)?.name.toLowerCase() as string) attrs2.push(el[i].attributes.item(attr)?.value.toLowerCase() as string) } attrs2 = attrs2.sort()
if (attrs.length > 0 && attrs2.length > 0 && JSON.stringify(attrs) === JSON.stringify(attrs2)) exists = true }
// add to dom if (!exists) appendChildren(parent, [element], false) }) }
render() { const placement = this.props.footer ? 'footer' : 'head'
if (isSSR()) return h('helmet', { 'data-ssr': true, 'data-placement': placement }, this.props.children) else return [] }}