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import { escapeHtml } from './helpers.ts'
export class HTMLElementSSR { public tagName: string public isSelfClosing: boolean = false public nodeType: null | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 = null private _ssr: string
constructor(tag: string) { this.tagName = tag
const selfClosing = [ 'area', 'base', 'br', 'col', 'embed', 'hr', 'img', 'input', 'link', 'meta', 'param', 'source', 'track', 'wbr' ]
this.nodeType = 1
if (selfClosing.indexOf(tag) >= 0) { this._ssr = `<${tag} />` this.isSelfClosing = true } else { this._ssr = `<${tag}></${tag}>` } }
get outerHTML() { return this.toString() }
get innerHTML(): string { return this.innerText }
set innerHTML(text) { this.innerText = text }
get innerText(): string { const reg = /(^<[^>]+>)(.+)?(<\/[a-z0-9]+>$|\/>$)/gm return reg.exec(this._ssr)?.[2] || '' }
set innerText(text) { const reg = /(^<[^>]+>)(.+)?(<\/[a-z0-9]+>$|\/>$)/gm const replacer = (_match: string, p1: string, _p2: string, p3: string) => [p1, text, p3].join('') this._ssr = this._ssr.replace(reg, replacer) }
getAttribute(_name: any) { return null }
get classList() { const element = this._ssr
const classesRegex = /^<\w+.+(\sclass=")([^"]+)"/gm
return { add: (name: string) => { this.setAttribute('class', name) }, entries: { get length(): number { const classes = classesRegex.exec(element) if (classes && classes[2]) return classes[2].split(' ').length return 0 } } } }
toString() { return this._ssr }
setAttributeNS(_namespace: string | null, name: string, value: string) { this.setAttribute(name, value) }
setAttribute(name: string, value: string) { const replacer1 = (_match: string, p1: string, p2: string) => `${p1}${escapeHtml(name)}="${escapeHtml(value)}" ${p2}` const replacer2 = (_match: string, p1: string, p2: string) => `${p1} ${escapeHtml(name)}="${escapeHtml(value)}"${p2}`
if (this.isSelfClosing) this._ssr = this._ssr.replace(/(^<[a-z0-9]+ )(.+)/gm, replacer1) else this._ssr = this._ssr.replace(/(^<[^>]+)(.+)/gm, replacer2) }
append(child: any) { this.appendChild(child) }
appendChild(child: any) { const index = this._ssr.lastIndexOf('</') this._ssr = this._ssr.substring(0, index) + child + this._ssr.substring(index) }
get children() { const reg = /<([a-z0-9]+)((?!<\/\1).)*<\/\1>/gms const array = [] let match
while ((match = reg.exec(this.innerHTML)) !== null) { array.push(match[0].replace(/[\s]+/gm, ' ')) }
return array }
addEventListener<K extends keyof DocumentEventMap>( _type: keyof K, _listener: (this: Document, ev: DocumentEventMap[K]) => any, _options?: boolean | AddEventListenerOptions | undefined ) {}}
export class DocumentSSR { body: HTMLElement head: HTMLElement
constructor() { this.body = this.createElement('body') this.head = this.createElement('head') }
createElement(tag: string) { return new HTMLElementSSR(tag) as unknown as HTMLElement }
createElementNS(_URI: string, tag: string) { return this.createElement(tag) }
createTextNode(text: string) { return escapeHtml(text) }
querySelector(_query: string) { return undefined }}
const documentSSR = () => { return new DocumentSSR() as unknown as Document}
export { documentSSR }