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🎯 SSR first, lightweight 1kB JSX library.
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import { h } from '../core.ts'import { boxShadow, zIndex } from './_config.ts'
// snackbar just like just like:
const Button = (_props: any) => { const snackbar = new Snackbar()
const onclickHandler = () => {{ message: 'Hello Snack! ' }, (event) => { console.log(event) }) }
return <button onClick={() => onclickHandler()}>click me</button>} */
type Milliseconds = number
interface SnackbarAction { name: string id?: string | number color?: string}
interface SnackbarActionEvent { action: string}
interface SnackbarOptions { message?: string actions?: SnackbarAction[] onAction?: () => SnackbarActionEvent autoHide?: boolean | Milliseconds parentId?: string offsetY?: number consecutive?: boolean}
export class Snackbar { defaultParentId = 'snackbar_container' defaultActionColor = '#BC86FC'
constructor(public options: SnackbarOptions = {}) { const defaultOptions = { message: 'Hello Snack!', actions: [{ name: 'Dismiss', color: this.defaultActionColor }], autoHide: true, consecutive: true, offsetY: 0 }
this.options = { ...defaultOptions, ...options }
// styles const styles = ` #snackbar_container { position: fixed; bottom: ${this.options.offsetY}px; left: 0px; overflow: hidden; z-index: ${zIndex.snackbar} }
#snackbar_container .snackbar_snack { background-color: #323232;
padding: 16px 16px 16px 16px; margin: 0px 8px 8px 8px;
border-radius: 4px; width: 344px; max-width: calc(100vw - 16px); box-sizing: border-box; display: flex; justify-content: space-between; height: fit-content; overflow: hidden;
animation-name: snackbar-fadein; animation-duration: 0.2s;
transition: opacity 0.2s; opacity: 1; }
#snackbar_container .snackbar_snack_fadeout { opacity: 0; }
#snackbar_container .snackbar_snack .snackbar_message { color: #DFDFDF; font-size: 16px; align-self: center; }
#snackbar_container .snackbar_snack .snackbar_actions { align-self: center; }
#snackbar_container .snackbar_snack .snackbar_action { font-size: 16px; cursor: pointer; padding: 8px; margin-right: -8px; }
@keyframes snackbar-fadein { from {opacity: 0;} to {opacity: 1;} } `
document.head.appendChild(h('style', {}, styles)) }
private getParentElement(parentId: string) { let el = document.getElementById(parentId || this.defaultParentId) if (!el) { el = document.createElement('div') = this.defaultParentId document.body.appendChild(el) }
return el }
public remove(el: HTMLElement) { el.classList.add('snackbar_snack_fadeout') setTimeout(() => el.remove(), 200) }
public show(options: SnackbarOptions | null, callback: (event: { name: string; id: string | number }) => void) { if (this.options.consecutive) { const snacks = document.querySelectorAll('.snackbar_snack') as NodeListOf<HTMLElement> snacks.forEach(s => this.remove(s)) if (snacks.length > 0) setTimeout(() => this._show(options, callback), 200 + 20) else this._show(options, callback) return }
this._show(options, callback) }
private _show(options: SnackbarOptions | null, callback: (event: { name: string; id: string | number }) => void) { options = { ...this.options, ...options }
const container = this.getParentElement(options.parentId || this.defaultParentId)
// adjust offsetY if (typeof options.offsetY === 'number') = `${options.offsetY}px`
const Snack = (_message: string, _actions: any) => { const actionsArray = any) => { return h( 'a', { class: 'snackbar_action', style: `color: ${action.color || this.defaultActionColor}`, onClick: () => { if (callback) callback({ name:, id: }) this.remove(el) } }, ) }) const message = h('div', { class: 'snackbar_message' }, _message) const actions = h('div', { class: 'snackbar_actions' }, actionsArray) const snack = h('div', { class: 'snackbar_snack' }, message, actions) return snack }
const el = Snack(options.message as string, options.actions || []) as HTMLElement
// autoHide options if (options.autoHide === true) setTimeout(() => this.remove(el), 5000) else if (typeof options.autoHide === 'number') setTimeout(() => this.remove(el), options.autoHide)
container.appendChild(el) }}