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🎯 SSR first, lightweight 1kB JSX library.
// fixes an issue in std@0.80.0 (deno)// interface ReadableStream<R> {// getIterator(): any// }
declare global { export var _nano: { document: Document isSSR: true | undefined location: { pathname: string } customElements: Map<string, any> ssrTricks: { isWebComponent: (tagNameOrComponent: any) => boolean renderWebComponent: (tagNameOrComponent: any, props: any, children: any, _render: any) => any } }
export namespace Deno {}
export namespace JSX { interface IntrinsicElements { [elemName: string]: any } interface ElementClass { render: any } interface ElementChildrenAttribute { children: any } }}// This export keeps the backward compatibility with the module resolution system in deno < 1.23 version.export {}