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A NanoID implementation for Deno
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// deno-lint-ignore-file/** * @module nanoid_cli * @author Ian Fabs <> */
import { nanoid } from "./nanoid.ts";import { customAlphabet } from "./customAlphabet.ts"import { Command, CompletionsCommand } from "";
`original by Andrey Sitnikport for deno by Ian Fabs
Usage $ nanoid Options --alphabet, -a Use a different alphabet to generate the id --size, -s Generate an id of a different size --help, -h Display this help page Examples $ nanoid eJgswWA5uW8I $ nanoid --size 32 xgX77wBFcY1lso9R12Y2lHrluUbLjAPV $ nanoid -s16 YZ-MJ4oXIGUK2edY $ nanoid --alphabet "_~0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" pejh~ujt2lln `
interface Options { size?: number; alphabet?: string; number: number; format?: string;}
function* iterator(n: number, fn: (...args: any[]) => any, ...args: any[]): Iterable<string> { if(n==1) yield fn(...args); else for(let i=0;i<n;i+=1) yield fn(...args); return n;}
const cmd = await new Command<Options, any>() .name("nanoid") .version("2.0.0") .description("A CLI for generating cryptographically-secure random IDs.") .option("-s, --size <size:number>", "The desired length of IDs to be generated.") .option("-a, --alphabet <alphabet:string>", "The alphabet that IDs should be generated with.") .option("-n, --number <n:number>", "The number of IDs to generate, if you would like more than one", {default: 1}) .option("-f, --format <format:string>", "An output format can be specified if more than one ID is generated with -n", { depends: ["number"], hidden: true, action: () => { console.warn("The --format functionality is unimplemented, and cannot be used :-("); Deno.exit(1); } });
cmd.command("completions", new CompletionsCommand());
const {options: {alphabet, number, size}} = await cmd.parse(Deno.args);
const fn = alphabet ? customAlphabet(alphabet, size ?? 21) : nanoid;
console.log( [...iterator(number,fn,...[size])].join("\n") );