interface DiscordenoGuild
implements Omit<Guild, >
| "roles"
| "presences"
| "voiceStates"
| "members"
| "channels"
| "memberCount"
| "owner"
| "emojis"
| "id"
| "ownerId"
| "permissions"
| "afkChannelId"
| "widgetChannelId"
| "applicationId"
| "systemChannelId"
| "rulesChannelId"
| "publicUpdatesChannelId"
| "joinedAt"
| "icon"
| "banner"
| "splash"
| "stageInstances"
| "welcomeScreen"
| "channels"
import { type DiscordenoGuild } from "";
The channel id that the widget will generate an invite to, or null if set to no invite
The id of the channel where guild notices such as welcome messages and boost events are posted
The id of the channel where community guilds can display rules and/or guidelines
The id of the channel where admins and moderators of Community guilds receive notices from Discord
The Voice State data for each user in a voice channel in this server.