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NBT Data parser for Deno
import { inflate } from "";
export enum Tag{ end, byte, short, int, long, float, double, byteArray, string, list, compound, intArray, longArray };type Pair<Tg extends Tag, Type> = {type: Tg, value: Type};type List<T extends Tag> = T extends Tag.end ? Pair<Tag.list, []> & { listType: Tag.end } : (Pair<Tag.list, Types[T][]> & { listType: T }) | List<Tag.end>;export type Types = { [Tag.end]: Pair<Tag.end, 0>; [Tag.byte]: Pair<Tag.byte, number>; [Tag.short]: Pair<Tag.short, number>; []: Pair<, number>; [Tag.long]: Pair<Tag.long, bigint>; [Tag.float]: Pair<Tag.float, number>; [Tag.double]: Pair<Tag.double, number>; [Tag.byteArray]: Pair<Tag.byteArray, number[]>; [Tag.string]: Pair<Tag.string, string>; [Tag.list]: List<Tag>; [Tag.compound]: Pair<Tag.compound, {[key: string]: undefined | Types[Tag]}>; [Tag.intArray]: Pair<Tag.intArray, number[]>; [Tag.longArray]: Pair<Tag.longArray, bigint[]>;}
class NBTReader{ data: DataView; offset: number = 0;
constructor(data: Uint8Array){ = new DataView(data.buffer); }
[Tag.end](): Types[Tag.end] { return { value: 0, type: Tag.end }; } [Tag.byte](): Types[Tag.byte] { const value =; this.offset +=1 ; return { value, type: Tag.byte }; } [Tag.short](): Types[Tag.short] { const value =; this.offset += 2; return { value, type: Tag.short }; } [](): Types[] { const value =; this.offset += 4; return { value, type: }; } [Tag.long](): Types[Tag.long] { const value =; this.offset += 8; return { value, type: Tag.long }; } [Tag.float](): Types[Tag.float] { const value =; this.offset += 4; return { value, type: Tag.float }; } [Tag.double](): Types[Tag.double] { const value =; this.offset += 8; return { value, type: Tag.double }; } [Tag.byteArray](): Types[Tag.byteArray] { const len = this[]().value; const value: number[] = []; for(let i = 0; i < len; i++) value.push(this[Tag.byte]().value); return { value, type: Tag.byteArray }; } [Tag.string](): Types[Tag.string] { const len = this[Tag.short]().value; const slice =, this.offset + len); this.offset += len; return { value: (new TextDecoder('utf-8')).decode(slice), type: Tag.string }; } [Tag.list](): Types[Tag.list] { const type: Tag = this[Tag.byte]().value; if(!isValidTagType(type)) throw new Error(`Invalid Tag Type! type: ${type}`); const len = this[]().value; const value: Types[Tag][] = []; for(let i = 0; i < len; i++) { const cur = this[type](); value.push(cur); } return { value, type: Tag.list, listType: type } as Types[Tag.list]; } [Tag.compound](): Types[Tag.compound] { const tag: {[key: string]: Types[Tag]} = {}; while(true){ const type: Tag = this[Tag.byte]().value; if(!isValidTagType(type)) throw new Error(`Invalid Tag Type! type: ${type}`); if(type === Tag.end) break; const key = this[Tag.string]().value; const value = this[type](); tag[key] = value; } return { value: tag, type: Tag.compound }; } [Tag.intArray](): Types[Tag.intArray] { const len = this[]().value; const value: number[] = []; for(let i = 0; i < len; i++) value.push(this[]().value); return { value, type: Tag.intArray }; } [Tag.longArray](): Types[Tag.longArray] { const len = this[]().value; const value: bigint[] = []; for(let i = 0; i < len; i++) value.push(this[Tag.long]().value); return { value, type: Tag.longArray }; }}
export const isValidTagType = (tag: number): tag is Tag => tag in Tag;
export const parse = (data: Uint8Array) => { if(data[0] === 0x1f && data[1] === 0x8b) data = inflate(data); const reader = new NBTReader(data); const type: Tag = reader[Tag.byte]().value; if(type !== Tag.compound) throw new Error('Top tag should be a compoud'); reader[Tag.string](); return reader[Tag.compound]();}
export type SimplifiedType<T extends Types[Tag]> = T extends Types[Tag.list] ? T["value"] extends (infer R)[] ? R extends Types[Tag] ? SimplifiedType<R>[] : never : never : T extends Types[Tag.compound] ? { [K in keyof T['value']]: SimplifiedType<T['value'][K] extends Types[Tag] ? T['value'][K] : never> } : T['value'];
export const simplify = <T extends Types[Tag]>(tag: T): SimplifiedType<T> => { if(tag.type === Tag.compound) return Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(tag.value).filter(([_, value]) => !!value).map(([key, value]) => { return [key, simplify(value as Types[Tag])] })) as any as SimplifiedType<T>; else if(tag.type === Tag.list) return (tag as any) any) => simplify(v)) as any as SimplifiedType<T>; else return tag.value as any as SimplifiedType<T>;}
type CPair<T extends Exclude<Tag, Tag.list>, V> = V extends Types[T]['value'] ? { type: T, value: V } : never;type CList<T extends Tag, V> = T extends Tag.end ? List<Tag.end> : V extends Types[T] ? { type: Tag.list, listType: T, value: V[] } | List<Tag.end> : never;export type Constant<T extends Exclude<Tag, Tag.compound | Tag.list>, V> = V extends Types[T]['value'] ? [T, V] : never;export type Blueprint = { [x: string]: Blueprint } | Tag | Blueprint[] | [Exclude<Tag, Tag.list>, Types[Tag]['value']] | undefined;export type Create<T extends Blueprint> = T extends [infer A, infer B] ? A extends Exclude<Tag, Tag.list> ? CPair<A, B> : never : T extends Blueprint[] ? CList<T extends (infer A)[] ? A extends Tag ? A : A extends [infer B, any] ? B : Tag.list : Tag.compound, Create<T extends (infer I)[] ? I extends Blueprint ? I : never : never>> : T extends { [x: string]: Blueprint } ? CPair<Tag.compound, { [K in keyof T]: Create<T[K]> }> : T extends Tag ? Types[T] : T extends undefined ? undefined : never