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πŸ“œπŸ”œπŸŒ² Simple, fast, powerful parser toolkit for JavaScript.
interface Lexer
import { type Lexer } from "";


reset(data: string, state?: LexerState): void

Sets the internal buffer to data, and restores line/col/state info taken from save().

next(): Token | undefined

Returns e.g. {type, value, line, col, …}. Only the value attribute is required.

save(): LexerState

Returns an object describing the current line/col etc. This allows us to preserve this information between feed() calls, and also to support Parser#rewind(). The exact structure is lexer-specific; nearley doesn't care what's in it.

formatError(token: Token, message: string): string

Returns a string with an error message describing the line/col of the offending token. You might like to include a preview of the line in question.