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Neo4j Bolt driver for JavaScript
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import * as neo4jDriverLite from "";


Handles a RUN/PULL_ALL, or RUN/DISCARD_ALL requests, maps the responses in a way that a user-provided observer can see these as a clean Stream of records. This class will queue up incoming messages until a user-provided observer for the incoming stream is registered. Thus, we keep fields around for tracking head/records/tail. These are only used if there is no observer registered.

Common base with default implementation for most buffer methods. Buffers are stateful - they track a current "position", this helps greatly when reading and writing from them incrementally. You can also ignore the stateful read/write methods. readXXX and writeXXX-methods move the inner position of the buffer. putXXX and getXXX-methods do not.

Looks like a writable buffer, chunks output transparently into a channel below.

Combines chunks until a complete message is gathered up, and then forwards that message to an 'onmessage' listener.

A facility to select most appropriate reader or writer among the given addresses for request processing.

A Structure have a signature and fields.

A Structure have a signature and fields.

Class to pack

Class to unpack