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Neo4j Bolt driver for JavaScript
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import * as neo4jDriverLite from "";


Interface which defines an AuthToken with an expiration data time associated

Interface for the piece of software responsible for keeping track of current active AuthToken across the driver.

Defines the object which holds the common AuthTokenManager used in the Driver

Interface for the piece of software responsible for keeping track of current active bookmarks accross the driver.

The Neo4j Driver configuration.

Interface which defines a connection for the core driver object.

Interface define a common way to acquire a connection

Represents an instant capturing the date, but not the time, nor the timezone. Created Date objects are frozen with Object.freeze() in constructor and thus immutable.

Represents an instant capturing the date, the time and the timezone identifier. Created {@ DateTime} objects are frozen with Object.freeze() in constructor and thus immutable.

A driver maintains one or more Sessions with a remote Neo4j instance. Through the Sessions you can send queries and retrieve results from the database.

A driver maintains one or more Sessions with a remote Neo4j instance. Through the Sessions you can send queries and retrieve results from the database.

A driver maintains one or more Sessions with a remote Neo4j instance. Through the Sessions you can send queries and retrieve results from the database.

The query configuration

The session configuration

Represents an ISO 8601 duration. Contains both date-based values (years, months, days) and time-based values (seconds, nanoseconds). Created Duration objects are frozen with Object.freeze() in constructor and thus immutable.

Represents the fully streamed result

Constructs a 64 bit two's-complement integer, given its low and high 32 bit values as signed integers. See exported functions for more convenient ways of operating integers. Use int() function to create new integers, isInt() to check if given object is integer, inSafeRange() to check if it is safe to convert given value to native number, toNumber() and toString() to convert given integer to number or string respectively.

Utility to lazily initialize connections and return them back to the pool when unused.

Provides a interaction with a ConnectionHolder without change it state by releasing or initilizing

Logger used by the driver to notify about various internal events. Single logger should be used per driver.

Internal holder of the transaction configuration. It performs input validation and value conversion for further serialization by the Bolt protocol layer. Users of the driver provide transaction configuration as regular objects {timeout: 10, metadata: {key: 'value'}}. Driver converts such objects to TxConfig immediately and uses converted values everywhere.

Represents an instant capturing the date and the time, but not the timezone. Created LocalDateTime objects are frozen with Object.freeze() in constructor and thus immutable.

Represents an instant capturing the time of day, but not the date, nor the timezone. Created LocalTime objects are frozen with Object.freeze() in constructor and thus immutable.

Represents a transaction that is managed by the transaction executor.

Class for all errors thrown/returned by the driver.

Class for Node Type.

Class for Cypher notifications

The notification filter object which can be configured in the session and driver creation.

Class for Path Type.

Class for PathSegment Type.

Class for execution plan received by prepending Cypher with EXPLAIN.

Represents a single two or three-dimensional point in a particular coordinate reference system. Created Point objects are frozen with Object.freeze() in constructor and thus immutable.

Class for execution plan received by prepending Cypher with PROFILE.

The query configuration

Get statistical information for a Result.

Records make up the contents of the Result, and is how you access the output of a query. A simple query might yield a result stream with a single record, for instance:

Class for Relationship Type.

A stream of Record representing the result of a query. Can be consumed eagerly as Promise resolved with array of records and ResultSummary summary, or rejected with error that contains string code and string message. Alternatively can be consumed lazily using Result#subscribe function.

A ResultSummary instance contains structured metadata for a Result.

Class for exposing server info from a result.

A Session instance is used for handling the connection and sending queries through the connection. In a single session, multiple queries will be executed serially. In order to execute parallel queries, multiple sessions are required.

The session configuration

Stats Query statistics dictionary for a QueryStatistics

Represents an instant capturing the time of day, and the timezone offset in seconds, but not the date. Created Time objects are frozen with Object.freeze() in constructor and thus immutable.

Represents a transaction in the Neo4j database.

Represents a Promise object and a Transaction object.

The Neo4j Driver configuration.

Class for UnboundRelationship Type.


Holds the common AuthTokenManagers used in the Driver.

Constant that represents read session access mode. Should be used like this: driver.session({ defaultAccessMode: neo4j.session.READ }).

Constants that represents routing modes.

Constant that represents write session access mode. Should be used like this: driver.session({ defaultAccessMode: neo4j.session.WRITE }).

Object containing string constants representing predefined Neo4jError codes.

Check if a variable can be safely converted to a number

Cast value to Integer type.

Connection holder that does not manage any connections.

Copyright (c) "Neo4j" Neo4j Sweden AB []

Check if a variable is of Integer type.

Verifies if the given error is retriable.

Constants that represents the Category in the Notification

Constants that represents the disabled categories in the NotificationFilter

Constants that represents the minimum Severity level in the NotificationFilter

Constants that represents the Severity level in the Notification

The constants for query types

Holds the common ResultTransformer used with Driver#executeQuery.

Constants that represents routing modes.

Converts a variable to a number

Converts the integer to a string representation


Provides an configured BookmarkManager instance.

Constructs a BoltAgent structure from a given product version.

Creates a object which all method call will throw the given error

Returns if the reason the object is broken.

Verifies if it is a Broken Object

Assert that the day value is valid.

Assert that the hour value is valid.

Assert that the minute value is valid.

Assert that the month value is valid.

Assert that the nanosecond value is valid.

Assert that the second value is valid.

Assert that the year value is valid.

Converts given local date into a single integer representing it's epoch day.

Formats given date to an ISO 8601 string.

Format given duration to an ISO 8601 string.

Convert the given iso date string to a JavaScript Date object

Converts given local date time into a single integer representing this same time in epoch seconds UTC.

Converts given local time into a single integer representing this same time in nanoseconds of the day.

Shortcut for creating a new StandardDate

Formats given time to an ISO 8601 string.

Get the time zone offset in seconds from the given standard JavaScript date.

Formats given time zone offset in seconds to string representation like '±HH:MM', '±HH:MM:SS' or 'Z' for UTC.

Convert the given utc timestamp to a JavaScript Date object

Get the total number of nanoseconds from the milliseconds of the given standard JavaScript date and optional nanosecond part.

Assert it's a number

Assert it's a number or integer

Assert it's a object

Assert it's a string

Assert it's a valid datae

Verifies if object are the equals

Verifies if the object is null or empty

Verify if it's an object

Verify if the supplied object is a string

Check and normalize given query and parameters.

Test if given object is an instance of Date class.

Test if given object is an instance of DateTime class.

Test if given object is an instance of Duration class.

Test if given object is an instance of LocalDateTime class.

Test if given object is an instance of LocalTime class.

Test if given object is an instance of Node class.

Test if given object is an instance of Path class.

Test if given object is an instance of PathSegment class.

Test if given object is an instance of Point class.

Test if given object is an instance of Relationship class.

Test if given object is an instance of Time class.

Test if given object is an instance of UnboundRelationship class.

Custom version on JSON.stringify that can handle values that normally don't support serialization, such as BigInt.

Create a new error from a message and error code

Create a AuthTokenManager for handle static AuthToken


Raw observer for the stream

The query result is the combination of the ResultSummary and the array Record[] produced by the query

Interface to observe updates on the Result which is being produced.

Extension interface for AsyncIterator with peek capabilities.