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Powerful machine learning, accelerated by WebGPU
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import { Tensor } from "./tensor/tensor.ts";import { Rank, Shape } from "./api/shape.ts";import { Layer } from "./api/layer.ts";
/** * The Backend is responsible for eveything related to the neural network. */export interface Backend { /** * The train method is a function that trains a neural network using a set of training data. * It takes in an array of DataSet objects, the number of epochs to train for, and the learning rate. * The method modifies the weights and biases of the network to minimize the cost function and improve its accuracy on the training data. */ train( datasets: DataSet[], epochs: number, batches: number, rate: number, ): void;
/** * The predict method is a function that takes in a Tensor object * representing the input to the neural network and returns a Promise that resolves to a Tensor object representing the output of the network. * This method is used to make predictions on new data after the network has been trained. */ predict(input: Tensor<Rank>): Promise<Tensor<Rank>>;
/** * The save method is a function that saves the network to a Uint8Array. * This method is used to save the network after it has been trained. */ save(): Uint8Array;
/** * The saveFile method is a function that takes in a string representing the path to a file and saves the network to that file. * This method is used to save the network after it has been trained. */ saveFile(path: string): void;}
/** * NetworkConfig represents the configuration of a neural network. */export type NetworkConfig = { size: Shape[Rank]; layers: Layer[]; cost: Cost; silent?: boolean;};
/** * Activation functions are used to transform the output of a layer into a new output. */export enum Activation { /** * Sigmoid activation function f(x) = 1 / (1 + e^(-x)) */ Sigmoid = "sigmoid",
/** * Tanh activation function f(x) = (e^x - e^-x) / (e^x + e^-x) * This is the same as the sigmoid function, but is more robust to outliers */ Tanh = "tanh",
/** * ReLU activation function f(x) = max(0, x) * This is a rectified linear unit, which is a smooth approximation to the sigmoid function. */ Relu = "relu",
/** * Relu6 activation function f(x) = min(max(0, x), 6) * This is a rectified linear unit with a 6-value output range. */ Relu6 = "relu6",
/** * Leaky ReLU activation function f(x) = x if x > 0, 0.01 * x otherwise */ LeakyRelu = "leakyrelu",
/** * Elu activation function f(x) = x if x >= 0, 1.01 * (e^x - 1) otherwise * This is a rectified linear unit with an exponential output range. */ Elu = "elu",
/** * Selu activation function f(x) = x if x >= 0, 1.67 * (e^x - 1) otherwise * This is a scaled version of the Elu function, which is a smoother approximation to the ReLU function. */ Selu = "selu",}
export enum Cost { /** * Cross entropy cost function is the standard cost function for binary classification. */ CrossEntropy = "crossentropy",
/** * Hinge cost function is the standard cost function for multi-class classification. */ Hinge = "hinge",
/** * Mean squared error cost function is the standard cost function for regression. */ MSE = "mse",}
/** * DataSet is a container for training data. */export type DataSet = { inputs: Tensor<Rank>; outputs: Tensor<Rank>;};
export enum LayerType { Activation = "activation", BatchNorm2D = "batchnorm2d", Conv2D = "conv2d", Dense = "dense", Dropout1D = "dropout1d", Dropout2D = "dropout2d", Pool2D = "pool2d", Flatten = "flatten", Softmax = "softmax",}
/** * BackendType represents the type of backend to use. */export enum BackendType { /** * CPU backend */ CPU = "cpu",
/** * GPU backend */ GPU = "gpu",
/** * Web Assembly backend */ WASM = "wasm",}
/** * Init represents the type of initialization to use. */export enum Init { /** * Uniform initialization */ Uniform = "uniform",
/** * Xavier initialization */ Xavier = "xavier",
/** * XavierN initialization */ XavierN = "xaviern",
/** * Kaiming initialization */ Kaiming = "kaiming",}