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Powerful machine learning, accelerated by WebGPU
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/** * This example trains a neural network to predict the output of the function y = 2x + 1 */
import { Cost, CPU, DenseLayer, Sequential, setupBackend, tensor1D, tensor2D,} from "../mod.ts";
/** * The test data used for predicting the output of the function y = 2x + 1 */const testData = [20, 40, 43, 87, 43];// deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-anyfunction fmt(input: any) { return ( as Float32Array).map((e: number) => Math.round(e))[0];}
/** * Setup the CPU backend. This backend is fast but doesn't work on the Edge. */await setupBackend(CPU);
/** * Creates a sequential neural network. */const network = new Sequential({ /** * The number of minibatches is set to 4 and the output size is set to 1. */ size: [4, 1],
/** * The silent option is set to true, which means that the network will not output any logs during trainin */ silent: true,
/** * Creates two dense layers, with the first layer having 3 neurons and the second layer having 1 neuron. */ layers: [DenseLayer({ size: [3] }), DenseLayer({ size: [1] })],
/** * The cost function used for training the network is the mean squared error (MSE). */ cost: Cost.MSE,});
const start =;
/** * Train the network on the given data. */network.train( [ { // y = 2x + 1 inputs: tensor2D([[1], [2], [3], [4]]), outputs: tensor2D([[3], [5], [7], [9]]), }, ], /** * The number of iterations is set to 400. */ 400, /** * The number of batches is set to 1. */ 1, /** * The learning rate is set to 0.01. */ 0.01,);
console.log("training time", - start, " milliseconds");console.log("y = 2x + 1");
for (const test of testData) { /** * Make a prediction on the test data. */ const predicted = await network.predict(tensor1D([test])); console.log( `input: ${test}\noutput: ${fmt(predicted)}\nexpected: ${2 * test + 1}\n`, );}