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Powerful machine learning, accelerated by WebGPU
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import { Backend, DataSet, NetworkConfig } from "../types.ts";import { Tensor } from "../tensor/tensor.ts";import { Rank } from "./shape.ts";
/** * Base Neural Network Structure. All Neural Networks should implement this. */export interface NeuralNetwork { /** * The backend used by the Neural Network. */ backend: Backend;
/** * The configuration of the Neural Network. */ config: NetworkConfig;
/** * The train method is a function that trains a neural network using a set of training data. * It takes in an array of DataSet objects, the number of epochs to train for, and the learning rate. * The method modifies the weights and biases of the network to minimize the cost function and improve its accuracy on the training data. * * ```ts * network.train([{ * inputs: tensor2D([ * [0, 0], * [1, 0], * [0, 1], * [1, 1], * ]), * outputs: tensor2D([[0], [1], [1], [0]]), * }]); * ``` */ train(datasets: DataSet[], epochs?: number, rate?: number): void;
/** * The predict method is a function that takes in a Tensor object * representing the input to the neural network and returns a Promise that resolves to a Tensor object representing the output of the network. * This method is used to make predictions on new data after the network has been trained. * * ```ts * const prediction = await net.predict(tensor1D([0, 0])); * console.log([0]); * ``` */ predict(data: Tensor<Rank>): Promise<Tensor<Rank>>;
/** * The save method saves the network to a Uint8Array. * This method is used to save the network after it has been trained. * * ```ts * const modelData =; * Deno.writeFileSync("", modelData); * ``` */ save(): Uint8Array;
/** * The saveFile method takes in a string representing the path to a file to the safetensors format and saves the network to that file. * This method is used to save the network after it has been trained. * * ```ts * network.saveFile(""); * ``` */ saveFile(path: string): void;}