import { Matrix } from "";
Class for 2D Arrays. This is not akin to a mathematical Matrix (a collection of column vectors). This is a collection of row vectors. A special case of Tensor for 2D data.
Type Parameters
DT extends DataType
Filter the matrix by rows
item(row: number, col: number): DTypeValue<DT>
Get an item using a row and column index
row: number,
col: number,
val: number | bigint,
Add a value to an existing element Will throw an error if the types mismatch
row: number,
col: number,
val: number,
Set a value in the matrix
setCol(col: number, val: ArrayLike<number>): number
Replace a column
setRow(row: number, val: ArrayLike<number> | ArrayLike<bigint>)
Replace a row
[Symbol.for("Jupyter.display")](): Record<string, string>