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Full-stack Deno framework for building business web apps like internal tools, dashboards, admin panels and automated workflows.
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type alias Control
import { type Control } from "";

Type Parameters

TFieldValues extends FieldValues = FieldValues
TContext = any
definition: { _subjects: Subjects<TFieldValues>; _removeUnmounted: Noop; _names: Names; _state: { mount: boolean; action: boolean; watch: boolean; }; _reset: UseFormReset<TFieldValues>; _options: UseFormProps<TFieldValues, TContext>; _getDirty: GetIsDirty; _resetDefaultValues: Noop; _formState: FormState<TFieldValues>; _updateValid: (shouldUpdateValid?: boolean) => void; _updateFormState: (formState: Partial<FormState<TFieldValues>>) => void; _fields: FieldRefs; _formValues: FieldValues; _proxyFormState: ReadFormState; _defaultValues: Partial<DefaultValues<TFieldValues>>; _getWatch: WatchInternal<TFieldValues>; _updateFieldArray: BatchFieldArrayUpdate; _getFieldArray: <TFieldArrayValues>(name: InternalFieldName) => Partial<TFieldArrayValues>[]; _executeSchema: (names: InternalFieldName[]) => Promise<{ errors: FieldErrors; }>; register: UseFormRegister<TFieldValues>; handleSubmit: UseFormHandleSubmit<TFieldValues>; unregister: UseFormUnregister<TFieldValues>; getFieldState: UseFormGetFieldState<TFieldValues>; setError: UseFormSetError<TFieldValues>; }