import * as netzo from "";
Finds the first node of a given type or name in the current selection. | |
Optionally calls | |
Returns a new | |
Remove a property or an array of properties from an object | |
Same as | |
Get a list of all extension attributes defined in | |
Returns a list of changed ranges based on the first and last state of all steps. | |
This function merges extension attributes into parserule attributes ( | |
Create an input rules plugin. When enabled, it will cause text input that matches any of the given rules to trigger the rule’s action. | |
Build an input rule that adds a mark when the matched text is typed into it. | |
Build an paste rule that adds a mark when the matched text is pasted into it. | |
Build an input rule that adds a node when the matched text is typed into it. | |
Build an paste rule that adds a node when the matched text is pasted into it. | |
Check if object1 includes object2 | |
Create an paste rules plugin. When enabled, it will cause pasted text that matches any of the given rules to trigger the rule’s action. | |
Removes duplicated values within an array. Supports numbers, strings and objects. | |
Build an input rule that changes the type of a textblock when the
matched text is typed into it. When using a regular expresion you’ll
probably want the regexp to start with | |
Build an input rule that replaces text when the matched text is typed into it. | |
Build an paste rule that replaces text when the matched text is pasted into it. | |
Build an input rule for automatically wrapping a textblock when a
given string is typed. When using a regular expresion you’ll
probably want the regexp to start with |