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interface Order
import { type Order } from "";


id: number
admin_graphql_api_id: string
app_id: any
browser_ip: string
buyer_accepts_marketing: boolean
cancel_reason: any
cancelled_at: any
cart_token: string
checkout_id: number
checkout_token: string
client_details: { accept_language: any; browser_height: any; browser_ip: string; browser_width: any; session_hash: any; user_agent: any; }
closed_at: any
confirmed: boolean
contact_email: string
created_at: string
currency: string
current_subtotal_price: string
current_subtotal_price_set: { shop_money: { amount: string; currency_code: string; }; presentment_money: { amount: string; currency_code: string; }; }
current_total_discounts: string
current_total_discounts_set: { shop_money: { amount: string; currency_code: string; }; presentment_money: { amount: string; currency_code: string; }; }
current_total_duties_set: any
current_total_price: string
current_total_price_set: { shop_money: { amount: string; currency_code: string; }; presentment_money: { amount: string; currency_code: string; }; }
current_total_tax: string
current_total_tax_set: { shop_money: { amount: string; currency_code: string; }; presentment_money: { amount: string; currency_code: string; }; }
customer_locale: any
device_id: any
discount_codes: Array<{ code: string; amount: string; type: string; }>
email: string
estimated_taxes: boolean
financial_status: string
fulfillment_status: any
gateway: string
landing_site: string
landing_site_ref: string
location_id: any
name: string
note: any
note_attributes: Array<{ name: string; value: string; }>
number: number
order_number: number
order_status_url: string
original_total_duties_set: any
payment_gateway_names: Array<string>
phone: string
presentment_currency: string
processed_at: string
processing_method: string
reference: string
referring_site: string
source_identifier: string
source_name: string
source_url: any
subtotal_price: string
subtotal_price_set: { shop_money: { amount: string; currency_code: string; }; presentment_money: { amount: string; currency_code: string; }; }
tags: string
tax_lines: Array<{ price: string; rate: number; title: string; price_set: { shop_money: { amount: string; currency_code: string; }; presentment_money: { amount: string; currency_code: string; }; }; }>
taxes_included: boolean
test: boolean
token: string
total_discounts: string
total_discounts_set: { shop_money: { amount: string; currency_code: string; }; presentment_money: { amount: string; currency_code: string; }; }
total_line_items_price: string
total_line_items_price_set: { shop_money: { amount: string; currency_code: string; }; presentment_money: { amount: string; currency_code: string; }; }
total_outstanding: string
total_price: string
total_price_set: { shop_money: { amount: string; currency_code: string; }; presentment_money: { amount: string; currency_code: string; }; }
total_price_usd: string
total_shipping_price_set: { shop_money: { amount: string; currency_code: string; }; presentment_money: { amount: string; currency_code: string; }; }
total_tax: string
total_tax_set: { shop_money: { amount: string; currency_code: string; }; presentment_money: { amount: string; currency_code: string; }; }
total_tip_received: string
total_weight: number
updated_at: string
user_id: any
billing_address: { first_name: string; address1: string; phone: string; city: string; zip: string; province: string; country: string; last_name: string; address2: string; company: any; latitude: number; longitude: number; name: string; country_code: string; province_code: string; }
customer: Customer
discount_applications: Array<{ target_type: string; type: string; value: string; value_type: string; allocation_method: string; target_selection: string; code: string; }>
fulfillments: Array<{ id: number; admin_graphql_api_id: string; created_at: string; location_id: number; name: string; order_id: number; origin_address: { }; receipt: { testcase: boolean; authorization: string; }; service: string; shipment_status: any; status: string; tracking_company: string; tracking_number: string; tracking_numbers: Array<string>; tracking_url: string; tracking_urls: Array<string>; updated_at: string; line_items: Array<{ id: number; admin_graphql_api_id: string; fulfillable_quantity: number; fulfillment_service: string; fulfillment_status: any; gift_card: boolean; grams: number; name: string; price: string; price_set: { shop_money: { amount: string; currency_code: string; }; presentment_money: { amount: string; currency_code: string; }; }; product_exists: boolean; product_id: number; properties: Array<{ name: string; value: string; }>; quantity: number; requires_shipping: boolean; sku: string; taxable: boolean; title: string; total_discount: string; total_discount_set: { shop_money: { amount: string; currency_code: string; }; presentment_money: { amount: string; currency_code: string; }; }; variant_id: number; variant_inventory_management: string; variant_title: string; vendor: any; tax_lines: Array<{ price: string; price_set: { shop_money: { amount: string; currency_code: string; }; presentment_money: { amount: string; currency_code: string; }; }; rate: number; title: string; }>; duties: Array<any>; discount_allocations: Array<{ amount: string; amount_set: { shop_money: { amount: string; currency_code: string; }; presentment_money: { amount: string; currency_code: string; }; }; discount_application_index: number; }>; }>; }>
line_items: Array<{ id: number; admin_graphql_api_id: string; fulfillable_quantity: number; fulfillment_service: string; fulfillment_status: any; gift_card: boolean; grams: number; name: string; price: string; price_set: { shop_money: { amount: string; currency_code: string; }; presentment_money: { amount: string; currency_code: string; }; }; product_exists: boolean; product_id: number; properties: Array<{ name: string; value: string; }>; quantity: number; requires_shipping: boolean; sku: string; taxable: boolean; title: string; total_discount: string; total_discount_set: { shop_money: { amount: string; currency_code: string; }; presentment_money: { amount: string; currency_code: string; }; }; variant_id: number; variant_inventory_management: string; variant_title: string; vendor: any; tax_lines: Array<{ price: string; price_set: { shop_money: { amount: string; currency_code: string; }; presentment_money: { amount: string; currency_code: string; }; }; rate: number; title: string; }>; duties: Array<any>; discount_allocations: Array<{ amount: string; amount_set: { shop_money: { amount: string; currency_code: string; }; presentment_money: { amount: string; currency_code: string; }; }; discount_application_index: number; }>; }>
payment_details: { credit_card_bin: any; avs_result_code: any; cvv_result_code: any; credit_card_number: string; credit_card_company: string; buyer_action_info: any; }
payment_terms: any
refunds: Array<{ id: number; admin_graphql_api_id: string; created_at: string; note: string; order_id: number; processed_at: string; restock: boolean; total_duties_set: { shop_money: { amount: string; currency_code: string; }; presentment_money: { amount: string; currency_code: string; }; }; user_id: number; order_adjustments: Array<any>; transactions: Array<{ id: number; admin_graphql_api_id: string; amount: string; authorization: string; created_at: string; currency: string; device_id: any; error_code: any; gateway: string; kind: string; location_id: any; message: any; order_id: number; parent_id: number; processed_at: string; receipt: { }; source_name: string; status: string; test: boolean; user_id: any; }>; refund_line_items: Array<{ id: number; line_item_id: number; location_id: number; quantity: number; restock_type: string; subtotal: number; subtotal_set: { shop_money: { amount: string; currency_code: string; }; presentment_money: { amount: string; currency_code: string; }; }; total_tax: number; total_tax_set: { shop_money: { amount: string; currency_code: string; }; presentment_money: { amount: string; currency_code: string; }; }; line_item: { id: number; admin_graphql_api_id: string; fulfillable_quantity: number; fulfillment_service: string; fulfillment_status: any; gift_card: boolean; grams: number; name: string; price: string; price_set: { shop_money: { amount: string; currency_code: string; }; presentment_money: { amount: string; currency_code: string; }; }; product_exists: boolean; product_id: number; properties: Array<{ name: string; value: string; }>; quantity: number; requires_shipping: boolean; sku: string; taxable: boolean; title: string; total_discount: string; total_discount_set: { shop_money: { amount: string; currency_code: string; }; presentment_money: { amount: string; currency_code: string; }; }; variant_id: number; variant_inventory_management: string; variant_title: string; vendor: any; tax_lines: Array<{ price: string; price_set: { shop_money: { amount: string; currency_code: string; }; presentment_money: { amount: string; currency_code: string; }; }; rate: number; title: string; }>; duties: Array<any>; discount_allocations: Array<{ amount: string; amount_set: { shop_money: { amount: string; currency_code: string; }; presentment_money: { amount: string; currency_code: string; }; }; discount_application_index: number; }>; }; }>; duties: Array<any>; }>
shipping_address: { first_name: string; address1: string; phone: string; city: string; zip: string; province: string; country: string; last_name: string; address2: string; company: any; latitude: number; longitude: number; name: string; country_code: string; province_code: string; }
shipping_lines: Array<{ id: number; carrier_identifier: any; code: string; delivery_category: any; discounted_price: string; discounted_price_set: { shop_money: { amount: string; currency_code: string; }; presentment_money: { amount: string; currency_code: string; }; }; phone: any; price: string; price_set: { shop_money: { amount: string; currency_code: string; }; presentment_money: { amount: string; currency_code: string; }; }; requested_fulfillment_service_id: any; source: string; title: string; tax_lines: Array<any>; discount_allocations: Array<any>; }>