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NextPHP is a web framework enabling you to write PHP in JavaScript.
import * as nextPhp from "";


Utilities for working with OS-specific file paths.


EJS template function cache. This can be a LRU object from lru-cache NPM module. By default, it is utils.cache, a simple in-process cache that grows continuously.

The closing delimiter for all statements. This allows to to clearly delinate the difference between template code and existing delimiters. (It is recommended to synchronize this with the openDelimiter property.)

The delimiter used in template compilation.

Name of the object containing the locals.

Name for detection of EJS.

The opening delimiter for all statements. This allows you to clearly delinate the difference between template code and existing delimiters. (It is recommended to synchronize this with the closeDelimiter property.)

Promise implementation -- defaults to the native implementation if available This is mostly just for testability

Version of EJS.

Utilities for working with OS-specific file paths.


Clear intermediate JavaScript cache. Calls Cache#reset.

Compile the given str of ejs into a template function.

Escape characters reserved in XML.

Render the given template of ejs.

Render an EJS file at the given path and callback cb(err, str).

Get the path to the included file from the parent file path and the specified path.

Return the last portion of a path. Trailing directory separators are ignored, and optional suffix is removed.

Determines the common path from a set of paths, using an optional separator, which defaults to the OS default separator.

Return the directory path of a path.

Return the extension of the path with leading period.

Generate a path from FormatInputPathObject object.

Converts a file URL to a path string.

Convert a glob string to a regular expression.

Verifies whether provided path is absolute

Test whether the given string is a glob

Join all given a sequence of paths,then normalizes the resulting path.

Like join(), but doesn't collapse "**/.." when globstar is true.

Normalize the path, resolving '..' and '.' segments. Note that resolving these segments does not necessarily mean that all will be eliminated. A '..' at the top-level will be preserved, and an empty path is canonically '.'.

Like normalize(), but doesn't collapse "**/.." when globstar is true.

Return a ParsedPath object of the path.

Return the relative path from from to to based on current working directory.

Resolves path segments into a path

Converts a path string to a file URL.

Resolves path to a namespace path


A parsed path object generated by path.parse() or consumed by path.format().

Type Aliases

This type of function is returned from compile, when Options.client is true.

This type of function is returned from compile, when Options.client is false.

This type of function is returned from compile, when Options.client is true.

Escapes a string using HTML/XML escaping rules.

Custom file loader. Useful for template preprocessing or restricting access to a certain part of the filesystem.

The callback called by ClientFunction to include files at runtime with include()

An object where filename is the final parsed path or template is the content of the included template

Callback for receiving data from renderFile.

This type of callback is used when Options.compileDebug is true, and an error in the template is thrown.

This type of function is returned from compile, when Options.client is false.