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An Simple http framework for Deno, Deno Deploy and Cloudflare Workers.
Note: Deno native HTTP/2 Hyper requires Deno version 1.9.0 or higher.
- Fast. see benchmarks.
- HTTP/2 support.
- Middleware support.
- Router support.
- Includes body parser (json, urlencoded, raw, multipart).
- Return directly on handlers.
- No third party modules and no std/lib by default.
- Easy deploy to Deno Deploy and Cloudflare Workers.
for cloudflare workers visit => https://nhttp.deno.dev/docs/usage/cloudflare-workers
import { NHttp } from "https://deno.land/x/nhttp@1.1.8/mod.ts";
import { NHttp } from "https://x.nest.land/nhttp@1.1.8/mod.ts";
import { NHttp } from "https://deno.land/x/nhttp@1.1.8/mod.ts";
const app = new NHttp();
app.get("/", (rev) => {
return rev.response.send("Hello World");
// or
// return "Hello World";
// return { name: "john" };
// return new Response("Hello World");
app.listen(8080, () => {
console.log("> Running on port 8080");
METHOD => get | post | put | patch | delete | any | head | options
app[METHOD](path: string | RegExp, (rev: RequestEvent) => { // code });
// or app[METHOD](path: string | RegExp, …handlers);
deno run --allow-net yourfile.ts
Route Paths
// normal path
app.get("/", () => {...});
// with parameter
app.get("/users/:userId/books/:bookId", (rev) => {
return rev.params;
// with query. /users?name=john&foo[bar]=baz
app.get("/users", (rev) => {
return rev.query;
// with optional parameter. match for /books and /books/bookname
app.get("/books/:name?", (rev) => {
return rev.params;
// with extension. match for .png and .jpg only
app.get("/image/:filename.(png|jpg)", (rev) => {
return rev.params;
// exact/wild. /users/123
app.any("*", (rev) => {
return rev.params;
// => { wild: ["users", "123"] }
// RegExp. match for path includes hello.
app.get(/hello/, (rev) => {
return rev.path;
// RegExp. match for path endsWith ball. ex: /dragonball and /football
app.get(/.*ball$/, (rev) => {
return rev.path;
Custom Server
import { serve } from "https://deno.land/std@0.119.0/http/server.ts";
import { NHttp } from "https://deno.land/x/nhttp@1.1.8/mod.ts";
const app = new NHttp();
app.get("/", ({ response }) => {
return response.send("Hello Custom");
serve((request, conn) => app.handleEvent({ request, conn }));
Middleware Example
or app.use([fn1, fn2])
import { NHttp } from "https://deno.land/x/nhttp@1.1.8/mod.ts";
const app = new NHttp();
app.use((rev, next) => {
rev.foo = "foo";
return next();
app.get("/", (rev) => {
return rev.foo;
Example cors in middleware
import { NHttp } from "https://deno.land/x/nhttp@1.1.8/mod.ts";
const app = new NHttp();
app.use(({ response, request }, next) => {
// example header
"Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*",
"Access-Control-Allow-Methods": "*",
"Access-Control-Allow-Headers": "*",
if (request.method === "OPTIONS") {
return response.send();
return next();
app.get("/", () => {
return "Hello world with cors";
Status Code
import { NHttp } from "https://deno.land/x/nhttp@1.1.8/mod.ts";
const app = new NHttp();
// post with status 201
app.post("/", ({ response }) => {
// set status
// get status
const status = response.status();
console.log("The current status is " + status);
return "Hello from status " + status;
Support json, urlencoded, multipart, raw.
import { NHttp } from "https://deno.land/x/nhttp@1.1.8/mod.ts";
const app = new NHttp();
app.post("/save", ({ body }) => {
return body;
Simple multipart upload.
requires –allow-read –allow-write
import { multipart, NHttp } from "https://deno.land/x/nhttp@1.1.8/mod.ts";
const upload = multipart.upload({
// required field name
name: "image",
dest: "public/images/",
// optionals
accept: "png|jpg",
maxSize: "2 mb",
required: true,
const app = new NHttp();
app.post("/upload", upload, ({ body, file }) => {
return "Success upload";
Router Example
app.use(router | router[])
or app.use(basePath, router | router[])
import { NHttp, Router } from "https://deno.land/x/nhttp@1.1.8/mod.ts";
//user router example with base
const user = new Router({ base: "/user" }); // base optional
user.get("/", ...handlers);
//item router example without base
const item = new Router();
item.get("/item", ...handlers);
new NHttp()
// register router
.use("/api/v1", [user, item])
now, you can access with http://localhost:8080/api/v1/user
Usage With Controller
import { NHttp } from "https://deno.land/x/nhttp@1.1.8/mod.ts";
import {
} from "https://deno.land/x/nhttp_controller@0.7.0/mod.ts";
class UserController extends BaseController {
findAll() {
return { name: "john" };
findById() {
const { params } = this.requestEvent;
return params;
save() {
const { body } = this.requestEvent;
return body;
class Application extends NHttp {
constructor() {
const controllers = addControllers([UserController]);
this.use("/api/v1", controllers);
new Application().listen(8080);
visit http://localhost:8080/api/v1/user
Full Documentation NHttp
Want to contribute to this project? I gladly welcome it.
- Please fork.
- Create a branch.
- Commit changes (before commit, please format the code with the command
deno fmt
in the src folder). - Push to the created branch.
- Make a PR (Pull Requests).
- Thanks.
- Server App
- Middleware
- Router
- Body Parser
- Examples
- Doc
- Deno lint
- Unit Test