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A powerful templating engine with inheritance, asynchronous control, and more (Jinja 2 inspired)
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import { Obj } from "./object.js";
function traverseAndCheck(obj, type, results) { if (obj instanceof type) { results.push(obj); }
if (obj instanceof Node) { obj.findAll(type, results); }}
class Node extends Obj { init(lineno, colno) { this.lineno = lineno; this.colno = colno;
this.fields.forEach((field, i) => { // The first two args are line/col numbers, so offset by 2 let val = arguments[i + 2];
// Fields should never be undefined, but null. It makes // testing easier to normalize values. if (val === undefined) { val = null; }
this[field] = val; }); }
findAll(type, results) { results = results || [];
if (this instanceof NodeList) { this.children.forEach((child) => traverseAndCheck(child, type, results)); } else { this.fields.forEach((field) => traverseAndCheck(this[field], type, results) ); }
return results; }
iterFields(func) { this.fields.forEach((field) => { func(this[field], field); }); }}
// Abstract nodesclass Value extends Node { get typename() { return "Value"; } get fields() { return ["value"]; }}
// Concrete nodesclass NodeList extends Node { get typename() { return "NodeList"; } get fields() { return ["children"]; }
init(lineno, colno, nodes) { super.init(lineno, colno, nodes || []); }
addChild(node) { this.children.push(node); }}
const Root = NodeList.extend("Root");const Literal = Value.extend("Literal");const Symbol = Value.extend("Symbol");const Group = NodeList.extend("Group");const ArrayNode = NodeList.extend("Array");const Pair = Node.extend("Pair", { fields: ["key", "value"] });const Dict = NodeList.extend("Dict");const LookupVal = Node.extend("LookupVal", { fields: ["target", "val"] });const If = Node.extend("If", { fields: ["cond", "body", "else_"] });const IfAsync = If.extend("IfAsync");const InlineIf = Node.extend("InlineIf", { fields: ["cond", "body", "else_"] });const For = Node.extend("For", { fields: ["arr", "name", "body", "else_"] });const AsyncEach = For.extend("AsyncEach");const AsyncAll = For.extend("AsyncAll");const Macro = Node.extend("Macro", { fields: ["name", "args", "body"] });const Caller = Macro.extend("Caller");const Import = Node.extend("Import", { fields: ["template", "target", "withContext"],});
class FromImport extends Node { get typename() { return "FromImport"; } get fields() { return ["template", "names", "withContext"]; }
init(lineno, colno, template, names, withContext) { super.init(lineno, colno, template, names || new NodeList(), withContext); }}
const FunCall = Node.extend("FunCall", { fields: ["name", "args"] });const Filter = FunCall.extend("Filter");const FilterAsync = Filter.extend("FilterAsync", { fields: ["name", "args", "symbol"],});const KeywordArgs = Dict.extend("KeywordArgs");const Block = Node.extend("Block", { fields: ["name", "body"] });const Super = Node.extend("Super", { fields: ["blockName", "symbol"] });const TemplateRef = Node.extend("TemplateRef", { fields: ["template"] });const Extends = TemplateRef.extend("Extends");const Include = Node.extend("Include", { fields: ["template", "ignoreMissing"],});const Set = Node.extend("Set", { fields: ["targets", "value"] });const Switch = Node.extend("Switch", { fields: ["expr", "cases", "default"] });const Case = Node.extend("Case", { fields: ["cond", "body"] });const Output = NodeList.extend("Output");const Capture = Node.extend("Capture", { fields: ["body"] });const TemplateData = Literal.extend("TemplateData");const UnaryOp = Node.extend("UnaryOp", { fields: ["target"] });const BinOp = Node.extend("BinOp", { fields: ["left", "right"] });const In = BinOp.extend("In");const Is = BinOp.extend("Is");const Or = BinOp.extend("Or");const And = BinOp.extend("And");const Not = UnaryOp.extend("Not");const Add = BinOp.extend("Add");const Concat = BinOp.extend("Concat");const Sub = BinOp.extend("Sub");const Mul = BinOp.extend("Mul");const Div = BinOp.extend("Div");const FloorDiv = BinOp.extend("FloorDiv");const Mod = BinOp.extend("Mod");const Pow = BinOp.extend("Pow");const Neg = UnaryOp.extend("Neg");const Pos = UnaryOp.extend("Pos");const Compare = Node.extend("Compare", { fields: ["expr", "ops"] });const CompareOperand = Node.extend("CompareOperand", { fields: ["expr", "type"],});const CallExtension = Node.extend("CallExtension", { init(ext, prop, args, contentArgs) { this.parent(); this.extName = ext.__name || ext; this.prop = prop; this.args = args || new NodeList(); this.contentArgs = contentArgs || []; this.autoescape = ext.autoescape; }, fields: ["extName", "prop", "args", "contentArgs"],});const CallExtensionAsync = CallExtension.extend("CallExtensionAsync");
// This is hacky, but this is just a debugging function anywayfunction print(str, indent, inline) { const lines = str.split("\n");
lines.forEach((line, i) => { if (line && ((inline && i > 0) || !inline)) { process.stdout.write((" ").repeat(indent)); } const nl = (i === lines.length - 1) ? "" : "\n"; process.stdout.write(`${line}${nl}`); });}
// Print the AST in a nicely formatted tree format for debugginfunction printNodes(node, indent) { indent = indent || 0;
print(node.typename + ": ", indent);
if (node instanceof NodeList) { print("\n"); node.children.forEach((n) => { printNodes(n, indent + 2); }); } else if (node instanceof CallExtension) { print(`${node.extName}.${node.prop}\n`);
if (node.args) { printNodes(node.args, indent + 2); }
if (node.contentArgs) { node.contentArgs.forEach((n) => { printNodes(n, indent + 2); }); } } else { const nodes = []; let props = null;
node.iterFields((val, fieldName) => { if (val instanceof Node) { nodes.push([fieldName, val]); } else { props = props || {}; props[fieldName] = val; } });
if (props) { print(JSON.stringify(props, null, 2) + "\n", null, true); } else { print("\n"); }
nodes.forEach(([fieldName, n]) => { print(`[${fieldName}] =>`, indent + 2); printNodes(n, indent + 4); }); }}
export default { Node, Root, NodeList, Value, Literal, Symbol, Group, Array: ArrayNode, Pair, Dict, Output, Capture, TemplateData, If, IfAsync, InlineIf, For, AsyncEach, AsyncAll, Macro, Caller, Import, FromImport, FunCall, Filter, FilterAsync, KeywordArgs, Block, Super, Extends, Include, Set, Switch, Case, LookupVal, BinOp, In, Is, Or, And, Not, Add, Concat, Sub, Mul, Div, FloorDiv, Mod, Pow, Neg, Pos, Compare, CompareOperand,
CallExtension, CallExtensionAsync,