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Collection of tools handling NZB files


Each commands can be run under Deno with deno run -A mod.ts command args, or using the pre-built binaries for each platforms in Releases.


  • nzb mirror: Mirrors articles in a NZB file with new information
  • nzb get: Downloads data specified in a NZB file.
  • nzb extract: Extracts files in a NZB file into new NZB files.
  • nzb merge: Merges multiple NZB files into one.
  • nzb serve: Serves a NZB file as an index webpage.
  • nzb stream: Streams data specified in a NZB file.


Mirrors the articles in the input NZB, either to the same group or new ones, and outputs the resulting NZB to stdout or a specified output file.

nzb mirror \
  --hostname="localhost" \
  --port=119 \
  --username="" \
  --password="" \
  --connections=3 \ # Number of connections
  --connect-retries=1 \ # Number of times to retry to connect.
  --reconnect-delay=15*1000 \ # Microseconds to wait before reconnecting.
  --request-retries=5 \ # Number of times to retry to post if failed.
  --post-retry-delay=0 \ # Microseconds to wait before retrying posting.
  --comment="" \ # Comment to insert before post subject
  --comment2="" \ # Comment to append after post subject
  --subject="" \ # Custom subject to use for posts. See below for available placeholders.
  --from="" \ # Name of poster
  --groups="alt.binaries.test" \ # Groups to post new articles to, separated by commas.
  --date \ # Specific date for each article. Can take a "now" to refer script's start time.
  --message-id="" \ # Format of generated Message-ID. See below for available placeholders.
  source.nzb \ # Source file to mirror from.
  --out=mirror.nzb # Path to a file to write new NZB to.

If --out is supplied, will write NZB to this file. Can be ‘-’ which writes the NZB to stdout. The following placeholders are also supported (see below for details):

{fileksize} also {filemsize} etc


The following placeholders can be used in --subject and --message-id flags.

{filenum}   Current file number in collection
{0filenum}  Current file number in collection,
            pre-padded with 0's
{files}     Number of files in collection
{filename}  File's name
{fnamebase} File's name without extension;
            uses same logic as `--group-files`
{filesize}  File's size in bytes
{fileksize} File's size in KiB, rounded to 2dp
            Replace the 'k' with 'm', 'g', 't'
            for sizes in MiB, GiB and TiB
            respectively, e.g. {filemsize}
{fileasize} Friendly formatted file size, e.g.
            '4.85 MiB' or '35.1 GiB'
{part}      Article part number
{0part}     Article part number, pre-padded
            with 0's to be as long as {parts}
{parts}     Number of articles for the file
{size}      Article chunk size (before yEnc)
{comment}   Value from `--comment`
{comment2}  Value from `--comment2`
{timestamp} Unix timestamp of post
${rand(N)}  Random text, N characters long


Extracts only certain files in the input NZB based on a Glob or RegExp. The resulting NZB is written to stdout or a file specifiied in --out flag.

nzb extract source.nzb "*.part*.rar" > parts.nzb
nzb extract source.nzb ".*\.part[\d]+\.rar" --out parts.nzb


Serves the files specified in an input NZB file as a directory listing.

nzb serve \
  --hostname= \
  --port=8000 \
  source.nzb # Source NZB file to serve.

A basic listing template is used when serving. If a custom template is required, specify its full path with --template flag.

nzb serve \
  --hostname= \
  --port=8000 \
  source.nzb # Source NZB file to serve.

This can be useful to display files in the NZB creatively.