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A middleware framework for handling HTTP with Deno, Node, Bun and Cloudflare Workers 🐿️ 🦕
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import { parse } from "./form_data.ts";import { assertEquals } from "./test_deps.ts";
const FIXTURE_CONTENT_TYPE = `multipart/form-data; boundary=OAK-SERVER-BOUNDARY`;const FIXTURE_BODY = '--OAK-SERVER-BOUNDARY\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name="id"\r\n\r\n555\r\n--OAK-SERVER-BOUNDARY\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name="title"\r\n\r\nHello\nWorld\n\r\n--OAK-SERVER-BOUNDARY\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name="fileb"; filename="mod2.ts"\r\nContent-Type: video/mp2t\r\n\r\nconsole.log("Hello world");\n\r\n--OAK-SERVER-BOUNDARY--\r\n';
const FIXTURE_BODY_UTF8_FILENAME = `--OAK-SERVER-BOUNDARY\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name="id"\r\n\r\n555\r\n--OAK-SERVER-BOUNDARY\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name="filea"; filename="编写软件很难.ts"\r\nContent-Type: video/mp2t\r\n\r\nexport { printHello } from "./print_hello.ts";\n\r\n--OAK-SERVER-BOUNDARY--\r\n`;
const FIXTURE_BODY_NO_NEWLINE = `--OAK-SERVER-BOUNDARY\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name="noNewline"; filename="noNewline.txt"\r\nContent-Type: text/plain\r\n\r\n555\r\n--OAK-SERVER-BOUNDARY--\r\n`;
function assertIsFile(value: unknown): asserts value is File { if ( !(value && typeof value === "object" && "size" in value && "type" in value && "name" in value) ) { throw new Error("Value is not a File"); }}
Deno.test({ name: "form_data - parse() - basic", async fn() { const req = new Request("http://localhost:8080", { body: FIXTURE_BODY, method: "POST", headers: { "content-type": FIXTURE_CONTENT_TYPE }, }); const formData = await parse(req.headers.get("content-type")!, req.body!); assertEquals([...formData].length, 3, "length should be 3"); assertEquals(formData.get("id"), "555", "id should be '555'"); assertEquals( formData.get("title"), "Hello\nWorld\n", "title should be 'Hello World'", ); const fileb = formData.get("fileb"); assertIsFile(fileb); assertEquals(fileb.type, "video/mp2t", "should be of type 'video/mp2t'"); assertEquals(, "mod2.ts", "filename should be 'mod2.ts'"); assertEquals( await fileb.text(), `console.log("Hello world");\n`, "file contents should match", ); },});
Deno.test({ name: "form_data - parse() - no fields", async fn() { const req = new Request("http://localhost:8080", { body: FIXTURE_BODY_NO_FIELDS, method: "POST", headers: { "content-type": FIXTURE_CONTENT_TYPE }, }); const formData = await parse(req.headers.get("content-type")!, req.body!); assertEquals([...formData].length, 0); },});
Deno.test({ name: "form_data - parse() - mbc file name", async fn() { const req = new Request("http://localhost:8080", { body: FIXTURE_BODY_UTF8_FILENAME, method: "POST", headers: { "content-type": FIXTURE_CONTENT_TYPE }, }); const formData = await parse(req.headers.get("content-type")!, req.body!); assertEquals([...formData].length, 2); const filea = formData.get("filea"); assertIsFile(filea); assertEquals(filea.type, "video/mp2t"); assertEquals(, "编写软件很难.ts"); },});
Deno.test({ name: "for_data - parse() - no new line", async fn() { const req = new Request("http://localhost:8080", { body: FIXTURE_BODY_NO_NEWLINE, method: "POST", headers: { "content-type": FIXTURE_CONTENT_TYPE }, }); const formData = await parse(req.headers.get("content-type")!, req.body!); assertEquals([...formData].length, 1); const noNewline = formData.get("noNewline"); assertIsFile(noNewline); assertEquals(await noNewline.text(), "555"); },});