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A middleware framework for handling HTTP with Deno 🐿️ 🦕
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// Copyright 2018-2022 the oak authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
// deno-lint-ignore-file
import { assert, assertEquals, assertRejects, assertStrictEquals,} from "./test_deps.ts";import { NativeRequest } from "./http_server_native.ts";import type { NativeRequestOptions } from "./http_server_native.ts";import { Request } from "./request.ts";import { isNode } from "./util.ts";
const { test } = Deno;
function createMockNativeRequest( url = "http://localhost/index.html", requestInit: RequestInit = {}, options?: NativeRequestOptions,) { const request: globalThis.Request = new (globalThis as any).Request( url, requestInit, );
return new NativeRequest({ request, async respondWith(r) { await r; }, }, options);}
test({ name: "request.searchParams", fn() { const request = new Request( createMockNativeRequest("http://localhost/foo?bar=baz&qat=qux"), ); assertEquals(request.url.pathname, "/foo"); assertEquals(, "?bar=baz&qat=qux"); assertEquals(request.method, "GET"); assertEquals(Array.from(request.url.searchParams.entries()), [ ["bar", "baz"], ["qat", "qux"], ]); },});
test({ name: "request.url", fn() { const mockServerRequest = createMockNativeRequest( "", ); const request = new Request(mockServerRequest, false, true); assert(request.url instanceof URL); assertEquals(request.url.protocol, "https:"); assertEquals(request.url.hostname, ""); assertEquals(, ""); assertEquals(request.url.pathname, "/foo/bar/baz"); },});
test({ name: "request.serverRequest", fn() { const mockServerRequest = createMockNativeRequest(); const request = new Request(mockServerRequest); assertStrictEquals(request.originalRequest, mockServerRequest); },});
test({ name: "request.acceptsEncodings", fn() { const request = new Request( createMockNativeRequest("https://localhost/index.html", { headers: { "Accept-Encoding": "gzip, compress;q=0.2, identity;q=0.5", }, }), ); assertEquals(request.acceptsEncodings("gzip", "identity"), "gzip"); },});
test({ name: "request.acceptsEncodings - no header", fn() { const request = new Request( createMockNativeRequest("https://localhost/index.html"), ); assertEquals(request.acceptsEncodings("gzip", "identity"), "gzip"); },});
test({ name: "request.acceptsEncodings - no header no encodings", fn() { const request = new Request( createMockNativeRequest("https://localhost/index.html"), ); assertEquals(request.acceptsEncodings(), ["*"]); },});
test({ name: "request.accepts()", fn() { const request = new Request( createMockNativeRequest("https://localhost/index.html", { headers: { Accept: "application/json;q=0.2, text/html", }, }), ); assertEquals(request.accepts("application/json", "text/html"), "text/html"); },});
test({ name: "request.accepts not provided", fn() { const request = new Request( createMockNativeRequest("https://localhost/index.html", { headers: { Accept: "application/json;q=0.2, text/html", }, }), ); assertEquals(request.accepts(), ["text/html", "application/json"]); },});
test({ name: "request.accepts no header", fn() { const request = new Request(createMockNativeRequest("https://localhost/")); assertEquals(request.accepts("application/json"), "application/json"); },});
test({ name: "request.accepts no header, no args", fn() { const request = new Request(createMockNativeRequest("https://localhost/")); assertEquals(request.accepts(), ["*/*"]); },});
test({ name: "request.accepts no match", fn() { const request = new Request( createMockNativeRequest("https://localhost/index.html", { headers: { Accept: "text/html" }, }), ); assertEquals(request.accepts("application/json"), undefined); },});
test({ name: "request.body()", async fn() { const body = JSON.stringify({ hello: "world" }); const request = new Request( createMockNativeRequest("https://localhost/index.html", { body, method: "POST", headers: { "content-type": "application/json", "content-length": String(body.length), }, }), ); assert(request.hasBody); const actual = request.body(); assertEquals(actual.type, "json"); assertEquals(await actual.value, { hello: "world" }); },});
test({ name: "request.body() passes args", async fn() { const body = JSON.stringify({ hello: "world" }); const request = new Request( createMockNativeRequest("https://localhost/index.html", { body, method: "POST", headers: { "content-type": "text/plain", "content-length": String(body.length), }, }), ); const actual = request.body({ type: "json" }); assertEquals(actual.type, "json"); assertEquals(await actual.value, { hello: "world" }); },});
test({ name: " is false", fn() { const request = new Request(createMockNativeRequest()); assertEquals(, false); },});
test({ name: " is true", fn() { const request = new Request( createMockNativeRequest("https://localhost/index.html"), false, true, ); assertEquals(, true); },});
test({ name: "request with proxy true", fn() { const request = new Request( createMockNativeRequest("", { headers: { "x-forwarded-host": "", "x-forwarded-proto": "http", "x-forwarded-for": ",,", }, }, { conn: { remoteAddr: { transport: "tcp", port: 8080, hostname: "", }, } as Deno.Conn, }), true, true, ); assertEquals(, true); assertEquals(request.url.hostname, ""); assertEquals(request.url.protocol, "http:"); assertEquals(request.ip, ""); assertEquals(request.ips, ["", "", ""]); },});
test({ name: "request with invalid JSON", async fn() { const body = "random text, but not JSON"; const request = new Request( createMockNativeRequest("http://localhost/index.html", { body, method: "POST", headers: { "content-type": "application/json", "content-length": String(body.length), }, }), ); assert(request.hasBody, "should have body"); const actual = request.body(); assert(actual.type === "json", "should be a JSON body"); await assertRejects( async () => { await actual.value; }, SyntaxError, "Unexpected token r in JSON at position 0", ); },});
test({ name: "Request - inspecting", fn() { assertEquals( Deno.inspect( new Request( createMockNativeRequest("http://localhost/foo?bar=baz&qat=qux", { headers: { host: "localhost" }, }), ), ), isNode() ? `Request {\n hasBody: false,\n headers: HeadersList(2) [ 'host', 'localhost' ],\n ip: '',\n ips: [],\n method: 'GET',\n secure: false,\n url: URL {\n href: 'http://localhost/foo?bar=baz&qat=qux',\n origin: 'http://localhost',\n protocol: 'http:',\n username: '',\n password: '',\n host: 'localhost',\n hostname: 'localhost',\n port: '',\n pathname: '/foo',\n search: '?bar=baz&qat=qux',\n searchParams: URLSearchParams { 'bar' => 'baz', 'qat' => 'qux' },\n hash: ''\n }\n}` : `Request {\n hasBody: false,\n headers: Headers { host: "localhost" },\n ip: "",\n ips: [],\n method: "GET",\n secure: false,\n url: "http://localhost/foo?bar=baz&qat=qux"\n}`, ); },});