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A middleware framework for handling HTTP with Deno 🐿️ 🦕
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// Copyright 2018-2024 the oak authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
import { createHttpError, matches, Status } from "./deps.ts";import { parse } from "./form_data.ts";import type { ServerRequest } from "./types.ts";
type JsonReviver = (key: string, value: unknown) => unknown;
export type BodyType = | "binary" | "form" | "form-data" | "json" | "text" | "unknown";
const KNOWN_BODY_TYPES: [bodyType: BodyType, knownMediaTypes: string[]][] = [ ["binary", ["image", "audio", "application/octet-stream"]], ["form", ["urlencoded"]], ["form-data", ["multipart"]], ["json", ["json", "application/*+json", "application/csp-report"]], ["text", ["text"]],];
async function readBlob( body?: ReadableStream<Uint8Array> | null, type?: string | null,): Promise<Blob> { if (!body) { return new Blob(undefined, type ? { type } : undefined); } const chunks: Uint8Array[] = []; for await (const chunk of body) { chunks.push(chunk); } return new Blob(chunks, type ? { type } : undefined);}
export class Body { #body?: ReadableStream<Uint8Array> | null; #headers?: Headers; #request?: Request; #reviver?: JsonReviver; #type?: BodyType; #used = false;
constructor( serverRequest: Pick<ServerRequest, "request" | "headers" | "getBody">, reviver?: JsonReviver, ) { if (serverRequest.request) { this.#request = serverRequest.request; } else { this.#headers = serverRequest.headers; this.#body = serverRequest.getBody(); } this.#reviver = reviver; }
/** Is `true` if the request might have a body, otherwise `false`. * * **WARNING** this is an unreliable API. In HTTP/2 in many situations you * cannot determine if a request has a body or not unless you attempt to read * the body, due to the streaming nature of HTTP/2. As of Deno 1.16.1, for * HTTP/1.1, Deno also reflects that behavior. The only reliable way to * determine if a request has a body or not is to attempt to read the body. */ get has(): boolean { return !!(this.#request ? this.#request.body : this.#body); }
/** Exposes the "raw" `ReadableStream` of the body. */ get stream(): ReadableStream<Uint8Array> | null { return this.#request ? this.#request.body : this.#body!; }
/** Returns `true` if the body has been consumed yet, otherwise `false`. */ get used(): boolean { return this.#request?.bodyUsed ?? this.#used; }
/** Reads a body to the end and resolves with the value as an * {@linkcode ArrayBuffer} */ async arrayBuffer(): Promise<ArrayBuffer> { if (this.#request) { return this.#request.arrayBuffer(); } this.#used = true; return (await readBlob(this.#body)).arrayBuffer(); }
/** Reads a body to the end and resolves with the value as a * {@linkcode Blob}. */ blob(): Promise<Blob> { if (this.#request) { return this.#request.blob(); } this.#used = true; return readBlob(this.#body, this.#headers?.get("content-type")); }
/** Reads a body as a URL encoded form, resolving the value as * {@linkcode URLSearchParams}. */ async form(): Promise<URLSearchParams> { const text = await this.text(); return new URLSearchParams(text); }
/** Reads a body to the end attempting to parse the body as a set of * {@linkcode FormData}. */ formData(): Promise<FormData> { if (this.#request) { return this.#request.formData(); } this.#used = true; if (this.#body && this.#headers) { const contentType = this.#headers.get("content-type"); if (contentType) { return parse(contentType, this.#body); } } throw createHttpError(Status.BadRequest, "Missing content type."); }
/** Reads a body to the end attempting to parse the body as a JSON value. * * If a JSON reviver has been assigned, it will be used to parse the body. */ // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any async json(): Promise<any> { try { if (this.#reviver) { const text = await this.text(); return JSON.parse(text, this.#reviver); } else if (this.#request) { const value = await this.#request.json(); return value; } else { this.#used = true; return JSON.parse(await (await readBlob(this.#body)).text()); } } catch (err) { if (err instanceof Error) { throw createHttpError(Status.BadRequest, err.message); } throw createHttpError(Status.BadRequest, JSON.stringify(err)); } }
/** Reads the body to the end resolving with a string. */ async text(): Promise<string> { if (this.#request) { return this.#request.text(); } this.#used = true; return (await readBlob(this.#body)).text(); }
/** Attempts to determine what type of the body is to help determine how best * to attempt to decode the body. This performs analysis on the supplied * `Content-Type` header of the request. * * **Note** these are not authoritative and should only be used as guidance. * * There is the ability to provide custom types when attempting to discern * the type. Custom types are provided in the format of an object where the * key is on of {@linkcode BodyType} and the value is an array of media types * to attempt to match. Values supplied will be additive to known media types. * * The returned value is one of the following: * * - `"binary"` - The body appears to be binary data and should be consumed as * an array buffer, readable stream or blob. * - `"form"` - The value appears to be an URL encoded form and should be * consumed as a form (`URLSearchParams`). * - `"form-data"` - The value appears to be multipart form data and should be * consumed as form data. * - `"json"` - The value appears to be JSON data and should be consumed as * decoded JSON. * - `"text"` - The value appears to be text data and should be consumed as * text. * - `"unknown"` - Either there is no body or the body type could not be * determined. */ type(customMediaTypes?: Partial<Record<BodyType, string[]>>): BodyType { if (this.#type && !customMediaTypes) { return this.#type; } customMediaTypes = customMediaTypes ?? {}; const headers = this.#request?.headers ?? this.#headers; const contentType = headers?.get("content-type"); if (contentType) { for (const [bodyType, knownMediaTypes] of KNOWN_BODY_TYPES) { const customTypes = customMediaTypes[bodyType] ?? []; if (matches(contentType, [...knownMediaTypes, ...customTypes])) { this.#type = bodyType; return this.#type; } } } return this.#type = "unknown"; }
[Symbol.for("Deno.customInspect")]( inspect: (value: unknown) => string, ): string { const { has, used } = this; return `${} ${inspect({ has, used })}`; }
[Symbol.for("nodejs.util.inspect.custom")]( depth: number, // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any options: any, inspect: (value: unknown, options?: unknown) => string, // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any ): any { if (depth < 0) { return options.stylize(`[${}]`, "special"); }
const newOptions = Object.assign({}, options, { depth: options.depth === null ? null : options.depth - 1, }); const { has, used } = this; return `${options.stylize(, "special")} ${ inspect( { has, used }, newOptions, ) }`; }}