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A middleware framework for handling HTTP with Deno, Node, Bun and Cloudflare Workers 🐿️ 🦕
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// Copyright 2018-2024 the oak authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
/** Middleware that converts the oak specific context to a Fetch API standard * {@linkcode Request} and {@linkcode Response} along with a modified context * providing some of the oak functionality. This is intended to make it easier * to adapt code to work with oak. * * There are two functions which will "wrap" a handler that operates off a * Fetch API request and response and return an oak middleware. The * {@linkcode serve} is designed for using with the {@linkcode Application} * `.use()` method, while {@linkcode route} is designed for using with the * {@linkcode Router}. * * > [!IMPORTANT] * > This is not intended for advanced use cases that are supported by oak, * > like integrated cookie management, web sockets and server sent events. * > * > Also, these are designed to be very deterministic request/response handlers * > versus a more nuanced middleware stack which allows advanced control. * > Therefore there is no `next()`. * > * > For these advanced use cases, create middleware without the wrapper. * * @module */
import { type Application, type State } from "../application.ts";import { Context } from "../context.ts";import { type ErrorStatus, type HttpErrorOptions } from "../deps.ts";import { type Middleware } from "../middleware.ts";import { type Layer, type RouteParams, type Router, type RouterContext, type RouterMiddleware,} from "../router.ts";
/** The context associated when dealing with serve middleware requests on an * application. */export class ServeContext<S extends State = State> { #context: Context<S>;
/** A reference to the current application. */ get app(): Application<S> { return as Application<S>; }
/** Request remote address. When the application's `.proxy` is true, the * `X-Forwarded-For` will be used to determine the requesting remote address. */ get ip(): string { return this.#context.request.ip; }
/** When the application's `.proxy` is `true`, this will be set to an array of * IPs, ordered from upstream to downstream, based on the value of the header * `X-Forwarded-For`. When `false` an empty array is returned. */ get ips(): string[] { return this.#context.request.ips; }
/** The object to pass state to front-end views. This can be typed by * supplying the generic state argument when creating a new app. For * example: * * ```ts * const app = new Application<{ foo: string }>(); * ``` * * Or can be contextually inferred based on setting an initial state object: * * ```ts * const app = new Application({ state: { foo: "bar" } }); * ``` * * On each request/response cycle, the context's state is cloned from the * application state. This means changes to the context's `.state` will be * dropped when the request drops, but "defaults" can be applied to the * application's state. Changes to the application's state though won't be * reflected until the next request in the context's state. */ get state(): S { return this.#context.state; }
constructor(context: Context<S>) { this.#context = context; }
/** Asserts the condition and if the condition fails, creates an HTTP error * with the provided status (which defaults to `500`). The error status by * default will be set on the `.response.status`. * * Because of limitation of TypeScript, any assertion type function requires * specific type annotations, so the {@linkcode ServeContext} type should be * used even if it can be inferred from the context. */ assert( condition: unknown, status?: ErrorStatus, message?: string, props?: Record<string, unknown> & Omit<HttpErrorOptions, "status">, ): asserts condition { this.#context.assert(condition, status, message, props); }
/** Create and throw an HTTP Error, which can be used to pass status * information which can be caught by other middleware to send more * meaningful error messages back to the client. The passed error status will * be set on the `.response.status` by default as well. */ throw( errorStatus: ErrorStatus, message?: string, props?: Record<string, unknown>, ): never { this.#context.throw(errorStatus, message, props); }
[Symbol.for("Deno.customInspect")]( inspect: (value: unknown) => string, ): string { const { app, ip, ips, state } = this; return `${} ${inspect({ app, ip, ips, state })}`; }
[Symbol.for("nodejs.util.inspect.custom")]( depth: number, // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any options: any, inspect: (value: unknown, options?: unknown) => string, // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any ): any { if (depth < 0) { return options.stylize(`[${}]`, "special"); }
const newOptions = Object.assign({}, options, { depth: options.depth === null ? null : options.depth - 1, }); const { app, ip, ips, state } = this; return `${options.stylize(, "special")} ${ inspect({ app, ip, ips, state }, newOptions) }`; }}
/** The context associated with serve middleware requests on a router. */export class RouteContext< R extends string, P extends RouteParams<R> = RouteParams<R>, S extends State = State,> extends ServeContext<S> { #captures: string[]; #matched?: Layer<R, P, S>[]; #params: P; #router: Router<S>; #routeName?: string; #routerPath?: string;
/** When matching the route, an array of the capturing groups from the regular * expression. */ get captures(): string[] { return this.#captures; }
/** The routes that were matched for this request. */ get matched(): Layer<R, P, S>[] | undefined { return this.#matched; }
/** Any parameters parsed from the route when matched. */ get params(): P { return this.#params; }
/** A reference to the router instance. */ get router(): Router<S> { return this.#router; }
/** If the matched route has a `name`, the matched route name is provided * here. */ get routeName(): string | undefined { return this.#routeName; }
/** Overrides the matched path for future route middleware, when a * `routerPath` option is not defined on the `Router` options. */ get routerPath(): string | undefined { return this.#routerPath; }
constructor(context: RouterContext<R, P, S>) { super(context); const { captures, matched, params, router, routeName, routerPath } = context; this.#captures = captures; this.#matched = matched; this.#params = params; this.#router = router; this.#routeName = routeName; this.#routerPath = routerPath; }
[Symbol.for("Deno.customInspect")]( inspect: (value: unknown) => string, ): string { const { app, captures, matched, ip, ips, params, router, routeName, routerPath, state, } = this; return `${} ${ inspect({ app, captures, matched, ip, ips, params, router, routeName, routerPath, state, }) }`; }
[Symbol.for("nodejs.util.inspect.custom")]( depth: number, // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any options: any, inspect: (value: unknown, options?: unknown) => string, // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any ): any { if (depth < 0) { return options.stylize(`[${}]`, "special"); }
const newOptions = Object.assign({}, options, { depth: options.depth === null ? null : options.depth - 1, }); const { app, captures, matched, ip, ips, params, router, routeName, routerPath, state, } = this; return `${options.stylize(, "special")} ${ inspect({ app, captures, matched, ip, ips, params, router, routeName, routerPath, state, }, newOptions) }`; }}
type ServeMiddleware<S extends State> = ( request: Request, context: ServeContext<S>,) => Response | Promise<Response>;
type ServeRouterMiddleware< R extends string, P extends RouteParams<R>, S extends State,> = ( request: Request, context: RouteContext<R, P, S>,) => Response | Promise<Response>;
/** Wrap a handler function to generate middleware that can be used with an oak * {@linkcode Application}. This allows the handler to deal with a Fetch API * standard {@linkcode Request} and return a standard {@linkcode Response}. */export function serve<S extends State>( middleware: ServeMiddleware<S>,): Middleware<S> { return async (ctx, next) => { const request = ctx.request.source ?? new Request(ctx.request.url, { ...ctx.request, body:, }); const context = new ServeContext(ctx); const response = await middleware(request, context); ctx.response.with(response); return next(); };}
/** Wrap a handler function to generate middleware that can be used with an oak * {@linkcode Router}. This allows the handler to deal with a Fetch API standard * {@linkcode Request} and return a standard {@linkcode Response}. */export function route< R extends string, P extends RouteParams<R>, S extends State,>(middleware: ServeRouterMiddleware<R, P, S>): RouterMiddleware<R, P, S> { return async (ctx, next) => { const request = ctx.request.source ?? new Request(ctx.request.url, { ...ctx.request, body:, }); const context = new RouteContext(ctx); const response = await middleware(request, context); ctx.response.with(response); return next(); };}