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A middleware framework for handling HTTP with Deno 🐿️ 🦕
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// Copyright 2018-2020 the oak authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
import { Context } from "./context.ts";import { serve as defaultServe, serveTLS as defaultServeTls, Server, ServerRequest, Status, STATUS_TEXT,} from "./deps.ts";import { Key, KeyStack } from "./keyStack.ts";import { compose, Middleware } from "./middleware.ts";export interface ListenOptionsBase { hostname?: string; port: number; secure?: false; signal?: AbortSignal;}
export interface ListenOptionsTls { certFile: string; hostname?: string; keyFile: string; port: number; secure: true; signal?: AbortSignal;}
export type ListenOptions = ListenOptionsTls | ListenOptionsBase;
function isOptionsTls(options: ListenOptions): options is ListenOptionsTls { return === true;}
interface ApplicationErrorEventListener<S> { (evt: ApplicationErrorEvent<S>): void | Promise<void>;}
interface ApplicationErrorEventListenerObject<S> { handleEvent(evt: ApplicationErrorEvent<S>): void | Promise<void>;}
interface ApplicationErrorEventInit<S extends State> extends ErrorEventInit { context?: Context<S>;}
type ApplicationErrorEventListenerOrEventListenerObject<S> = | ApplicationErrorEventListener<S> | ApplicationErrorEventListenerObject<S>;
interface ApplicationListenEventListener { (evt: ApplicationListenEvent): void | Promise<void>;}
interface ApplicationListenEventListenerObject { handleEvent(evt: ApplicationListenEvent): void | Promise<void>;}
interface ApplicationListenEventInit extends EventInit { hostname?: string; port: number; secure: boolean;}
type ApplicationListenEventListenerOrEventListenerObject = | ApplicationListenEventListener | ApplicationListenEventListenerObject;
export interface ApplicationOptions<S> { /** An initial set of keys (or instance of `KeyGrip`) to be used for signing * cookies produced by the application. */ keys?: KeyStack | Key[];
/** The `server()` function to be used to read requests. * * _Not used generally, as this is just for mocking for test purposes_ */ serve?: typeof defaultServe;
/** The `server()` function to be used to read requests. * * _Not used generally, as this is just for mocking for test purposes_ */ serveTls?: typeof defaultServeTls;
/** The initial state object for the application, of which the type can be * used to infer the type of the state for both the application and any of the * application's context. */ state?: S;}
export type State = Record<string | number | symbol, any>;
const ADDR_REGEXP = /^\[?([^\]]*)\]?:([0-9]{1,5})$/;
export class ApplicationErrorEvent<S extends State> extends ErrorEvent { context?: Context<S>;
constructor(eventInitDict: ApplicationErrorEventInit<S>) { super("error", eventInitDict); this.context = eventInitDict.context; }}
export class ApplicationListenEvent extends Event { hostname?: string; port: number; secure: boolean;
constructor(eventInitDict: ApplicationListenEventInit) { super("listen", eventInitDict); this.hostname = eventInitDict.hostname; this.port = eventInitDict.port; =; }}
/** A class which registers middleware (via `.use()`) and then processes * inbound requests against that middleware (via `.listen()`). * * The `context.state` can be typed via passing a generic argument when * constructing an instance of `Application`. */export class Application<AS extends State = Record<string, any>> extends EventTarget { #keys?: KeyStack; #middleware: Middleware<State, Context<State>>[] = []; #serve: typeof defaultServe; #serveTls: typeof defaultServeTls;
/** A set of keys, or an instance of `KeyStack` which will be used to sign * cookies read and set by the application to avoid tampering with the * cookies. */ get keys(): KeyStack | Key[] | undefined { return this.#keys; }
set keys(keys: KeyStack | Key[] | undefined) { if (!keys) { this.#keys = undefined; return; } else if (Array.isArray(keys)) { this.#keys = new KeyStack(keys); } else { this.#keys = keys; } }
/** Generic state of the application, which can be specified by passing the * generic argument when constructing: * * const app = new Application<{ foo: string }>(); * * Or can be contextually inferred based on setting an initial state object: * * const app = new Application({ state: { foo: "bar" } }); * */ state: AS;
constructor(options: ApplicationOptions<AS> = {}) { super(); const { state, keys, serve = defaultServe, serveTls = defaultServeTls, } = options;
this.keys = keys; this.state = state ?? {} as AS; this.#serve = serve; this.#serveTls = serveTls; }
/** Deal with uncaught errors in either the middleware or sending the * response. */ #handleError = (context: Context<AS>, error: any): void => { if (!(error instanceof Error)) { error = new Error(`non-error thrown: ${JSON.stringify(error)}`); } const { message } = error; this.dispatchEvent(new ApplicationErrorEvent({ context, message, error })); if (!context.response.writable) { return; } for (const key of context.response.headers.keys()) { context.response.headers.delete(key); } if (error.headers && error.headers instanceof Headers) { for (const [key, value] of error.headers) { context.response.headers.set(key, value); } } context.response.type = "text"; const status: Status = context.response.status = error instanceof Deno.errors.NotFound ? 404 : error.status && typeof error.status === "number" ? error.status : 500; context.response.body = error.expose ? error.message : STATUS_TEXT.get(status); };
/** Processing registered middleware on each request. */ #handleRequest = async (request: ServerRequest, state: { handling: boolean; closing: boolean; closed: boolean; middleware: (context: Context<AS>) => Promise<void>; server: Server; }) => { const context = new Context(this, request); if (!state.closing && !state.closed) { state.handling = true; try { await state.middleware(context); } catch (err) { this.#handleError(context, err); } finally { state.handling = false; } } try { await request.respond(await context.response.toServerResponse()); if (state.closing) { state.server.close(); state.closed = true; } } catch (err) { this.#handleError(context, err); } };
addEventListener( type: "error", listener: ApplicationErrorEventListenerOrEventListenerObject<AS> | null, options?: boolean | AddEventListenerOptions, ): void; addEventListener( type: "listen", listener: ApplicationListenEventListenerOrEventListenerObject | null, options?: boolean | AddEventListenerOptions, ): void; addEventListener( type: string, listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject | null, options?: boolean | AddEventListenerOptions, ): void { super.addEventListener(type, listener, options); }
/** Start listening for requests, processing registered middleware on each * request. If the options `.secure` is undefined or `false`, the listening * will be over HTTP. If the options `.secure` property is `true`, a * `.certFile` and a `.keyFile` property need to be supplied and requests * will be processed over HTTPS. */ async listen(addr: string): Promise<void>; /** Start listening for requests, processing registered middleware on each * request. If the options `.secure` is undefined or `false`, the listening * will be over HTTP. If the options `.secure` property is `true`, a * `.certFile` and a `.keyFile` property need to be supplied and requests * will be processed over HTTPS. */ async listen(options: ListenOptions): Promise<void>; async listen(options: string | ListenOptions): Promise<void> { if (!this.#middleware.length) { return Promise.reject( new TypeError("There is no middleware to process requests."), ); } if (typeof options === "string") { const match = ADDR_REGEXP.exec(options); if (!match) { throw TypeError(`Invalid address passed: "${options}"`); } const [, hostname, portStr] = match; options = { hostname, port: parseInt(portStr, 10) }; } const middleware = compose(this.#middleware); const server = isOptionsTls(options) ? this.#serveTls(options) : this.#serve(options); const { signal } = options; const state = { closed: false, closing: false, handling: false, middleware, server, }; if (signal) { signal.addEventListener("abort", () => { if (!state.handling) { server.close(); state.closed = true; } state.closing = true; }); } const { hostname, port, secure = false } = options; this.dispatchEvent( new ApplicationListenEvent({ hostname, port, secure }), ); try { for await (const request of server) { this.#handleRequest(request, state); } } catch (error) { const message = error instanceof Error ? error.message : "Application Error"; this.dispatchEvent( new ApplicationErrorEvent({ message, error }), ); } }
/** Register middleware to be used with the application. */ use<S extends State = AS>( ...middleware: Middleware<S, Context<S>>[] ): Application<S extends AS ? S : (S & AS)> { this.#middleware.push(...middleware); return this as Application<any>; }}