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A middleware framework for handling HTTP with Deno 🐿️ 🦕
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// Copyright 2018-2020 the oak authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
import { test, assert, assertEquals, assertStrictEquals, assertThrowsAsync,} from "./test_deps.ts";
import { Application, ListenOptions, ListenOptionsTls } from "./application.ts";import { Context } from "./context.ts";import { Status } from "./deps.ts";import { httpErrors } from "./httpError.ts";import { Data, KeyStack } from "./keyStack.ts";import { Serve, Server, ServerRequest, ServerResponse, ServeTls,} from "./types.d.ts";
let serverRequestStack: ServerRequest[] = [];let requestResponseStack: ServerResponse[] = [];let addrStack: Array<string | ListenOptions> = [];let httpsOptionsStack: Array<Omit<ListenOptionsTls, "secure">> = [];
function teardown() { serverRequestStack = []; requestResponseStack = []; addrStack = []; httpsOptionsStack = [];}
class MockServer { close(): void {}
async *[Symbol.asyncIterator]() { for await (const request of serverRequestStack) { yield request; } }}
const serve: Serve = function ( addr: string | ListenOptions,): Server { addrStack.push(addr); return new MockServer() as Server;};
const serveTls: ServeTls = function ( options: Omit<ListenOptionsTls, "secure">,): Server { httpsOptionsStack.push(options); return new MockServer() as Server;};
function createMockRequest( url = "/index.html", proto = "HTTP/1.1", headersInit: string[][] = [["host", ""]],): ServerRequest { return { url, headers: new Headers(headersInit), async respond(response: ServerResponse) { requestResponseStack.push(response); }, proto, } as any;}
test({ name: "construct App()", fn() { const app = new Application(); assert(app instanceof Application); },});
test({ name: "register middleware", async fn() { serverRequestStack.push(createMockRequest()); const app = new Application({ serve }); let called = 0; app.use((context, next) => { assert(context instanceof Context); assertEquals(typeof next, "function"); called++; });
await app.listen(":8000"); assertEquals(called, 1); teardown(); },});
test({ name: "middleware execution order 1", async fn() { serverRequestStack.push(createMockRequest()); const app = new Application({ serve }); const callStack: number[] = []; app.use(() => { callStack.push(1); });
app.use(() => { callStack.push(2); });
await app.listen(":8000"); assertEquals(callStack, [1]); teardown(); },});
test({ name: "middleware execution order 2", async fn() { serverRequestStack.push(createMockRequest()); const app = new Application({ serve }); const callStack: number[] = []; app.use((_context, next) => { callStack.push(1); next(); });
app.use(() => { callStack.push(2); });
await app.listen(":8000"); assertEquals(callStack, [1, 2]); teardown(); },});
test({ name: "middleware execution order 3", async fn() { serverRequestStack.push(createMockRequest()); const app = new Application({ serve }); const callStack: number[] = []; app.use((_context, next) => { callStack.push(1); next(); callStack.push(2); });
app.use(async () => { callStack.push(3); await Promise.resolve(); callStack.push(4); });
await app.listen(":8000"); assertEquals(callStack, [1, 3, 2, 4]); teardown(); },});
test({ name: "middleware execution order 4", async fn() { serverRequestStack.push(createMockRequest()); const app = new Application({ serve }); const callStack: number[] = []; app.use(async (_context, next) => { callStack.push(1); await next(); callStack.push(2); });
app.use(async () => { callStack.push(3); await Promise.resolve(); callStack.push(4); });
await app.listen(":8000"); assertEquals(callStack, [1, 3, 4, 2]); teardown(); },});
test({ name: "app.listen", async fn() { const app = new Application({ serve }); app.use(() => {}); await app.listen(""); assertEquals(addrStack, [{ hostname: "", port: 8080 }]); teardown(); },});
test({ name: "app.listen IPv6 Loopback", async fn() { const app = new Application({ serve }); app.use(() => {}); await app.listen("[::1]:8080"); assertEquals(addrStack, [{ hostname: "::1", port: 8080 }]); teardown(); },});
test({ name: "app.listen(options)", async fn() { const app = new Application({ serve }); app.use(() => {}); await app.listen({ port: 8000 }); assertEquals(addrStack, [{ port: 8000 }]); teardown(); },});
test({ name: "app.listenTLS", async fn() { const app = new Application({ serve, serveTls }); app.use(() => {}); await app.listen({ port: 8000, secure: true, certFile: "", keyFile: "", }); assertEquals(httpsOptionsStack, [ { port: 8000, secure: true, certFile: "", keyFile: "", }, ]); teardown(); },});
test({ name: "app.state", async fn() { serverRequestStack.push(createMockRequest()); const app = new Application<{ foo?: string }>({ state: {}, serve }); = "bar"; let called = false; app.use((context) => { assertEquals(context.state, { foo: "bar" }); assertStrictEquals(app.state, context.state); called = true; }); await app.listen(":8000"); assert(called); teardown(); },});
test({ name: "app.keys undefined", fn() { const app = new Application(); assertEquals(app.keys, undefined); },});
test({ name: "app.keys passed as array", fn() { const app = new Application({ keys: ["foo"] }); assert(app.keys instanceof KeyStack); },});
test({ name: "app.keys passed as KeyStack-like", fn() { const keys = { sign(data: Data): string { return ""; }, verify(data: Data, digest: string): boolean { return true; }, indexOf(data: Data, digest: string): number { return 0; }, } as KeyStack; const app = new Application({ keys }); assert(app.keys === keys); },});
test({ name: "app.keys set as array", fn() { const app = new Application(); app.keys = ["foo"]; assert(app.keys instanceof KeyStack); },});
test({ name: "app.listen({ signal })", async fn() { const app = new Application({ serve }); const abortController = new AbortController(); serverRequestStack.push(createMockRequest()); serverRequestStack.push(createMockRequest()); let count = 0; app.use(() => { count++; }); const p = app.listen("localhost:8000"); abortController.abort(); await p; assertEquals(count, 2); teardown(); },});
test({ name: "app.addEventListener()", async fn() { const app = new Application({ serve }); app.addEventListener("error", (evt) => { assert(evt.error instanceof httpErrors.InternalServerError); }); serverRequestStack.push(createMockRequest()); app.use((ctx) => { ctx.throw(500, "oops!"); }); await app.listen({ port: 8000 }); teardown(); },});
test({ name: "uncaught errors impact response", async fn() { const app = new Application({ serve }); serverRequestStack.push(createMockRequest()); app.use((ctx) => { ctx.throw(404, "File Not Found"); }); await app.listen({ port: 8000 }); const [response] = requestResponseStack; assertEquals(response.status, 404); teardown(); },});
test({ name: "app.listen() without middleware", async fn() { const app = new Application({ serve }); await assertThrowsAsync(async () => { await app.listen(":8000"); }, TypeError); },});
test({ name: "app.state type handling", fn() { const app = new Application({ state: { id: 1 } }); app.use((ctx: Context<{ session: number }>) => { ctx.state.session = 0; }).use((ctx) => { = 1; ctx.state.session = 2; // @ts-expect-error = 3; }); },});
test({ name: "application listen event", async fn() { const app = new Application({ serve }); let called = 0; app.addEventListener("listen", (evt) => { called++; assertEquals(evt.hostname, "localhost"); assertEquals(evt.port, 80); assertEquals(, false); }); app.use((ctx) => { ctx.response.body = "hello world"; }); await app.listen({ hostname: "localhost", port: 80 }); assertEquals(called, 1); teardown(); },});
test({ name: "application doesn't respond on ctx.respond === false", async fn() { const app = new Application({ serve }); serverRequestStack.push(createMockRequest()); app.use((ctx) => { ctx.respond = false; }); await app.listen({ port: 8000 }); assertEquals(requestResponseStack.length, 0); teardown(); },});
test({ name: "application passes proxy", async fn() { const app = new Application({ serve, proxy: true }); serverRequestStack.push( createMockRequest( "/index.html", "HTTP/1.1", [ ["host", ""], ["x-forwarded-proto", "https"], ["x-forwarded-for", ",,"], ["x-forwarded-host", ""], ], ), ); let called = false; app.use((ctx) => { called = true; assertEquals(String(ctx.request.url), ""); }); await app.listen({ port: 8000 }); assertEquals(requestResponseStack.length, 1); teardown(); },});
test({ name: "application .handle()", async fn() { const app = new Application(); let called = 0; app.use((context, next) => { assert(context instanceof Context); assertEquals(typeof next, "function"); called++; }); const actual = await app.handle(createMockRequest()); assertEquals(called, 1); assert(actual); assertEquals(actual.body, undefined); assertEquals(actual.status, Status.NotFound); assertEquals([...actual.headers], [["content-length", "0"]]); },});
test({ name: "application .handle() no response", async fn() { const app = new Application(); app.use((context) => { context.respond = false; }); const actual = await app.handle(createMockRequest()); assertEquals(actual, undefined); },});
test({ name: "application .handle() no middleware throws", async fn() { const app = new Application(); await assertThrowsAsync(async () => { await app.handle(createMockRequest()); }, TypeError); },});