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// Copyright 2018-2020 the oak authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
import { Context } from "./context.ts";import { RouterContext } from "./router.ts";
function isRouterContext(value: Context): value is RouterContext { return "params" in value;}
interface GetQueryOptionsBase { /** The return value should be a `Map` instead of a record object. */ asMap?: boolean;
/** Merge in the context's `.params`. This only works when a `RouterContext` * is passed. */ mergeParams?: boolean;}
interface GetQueryOptionsAsMap extends GetQueryOptionsBase { /** The return value should be a `Map` instead of a record object. */ asMap: true;}
export type GetParamsOptions = GetQueryOptionsBase | GetQueryOptionsAsMap;
/** Given a context, return the `.request.url.searchParams` as a `Map` of keys * and values of the params. */export function getQuery( ctx: Context | RouterContext, options: GetQueryOptionsAsMap,): Map<string, string>;/** Given a context, return the `.request.url.searchParams` as a record object * of keys and values of the params. */export function getQuery( ctx: Context | RouterContext, options?: GetQueryOptionsBase,): Record<string, string>;export function getQuery( ctx: Context | RouterContext, { mergeParams, asMap }: GetParamsOptions = {},): Map<string, string> | Record<string, string> { const result: Record<string, string> = {}; if (mergeParams && isRouterContext(ctx)) { Object.assign(result, ctx.params); } for (const [key, value] of ctx.request.url.searchParams) { result[key] = value; } return asMap ? new Map(Object.entries(result)) : result;}