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A middleware framework for handling HTTP with Deno 🐿️ 🦕
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// Copyright 2018-2020 the oak authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
import { test, assert, assertEquals, assertStrictEquals } from "./test_deps.ts";import { State } from "./application.ts";import { Context } from "./context.ts";import { Status } from "./deps.ts";import { createHttpError, httpErrors } from "./httpError.ts";import { ErrorStatus } from "./types.d.ts";import { compose, Middleware } from "./middleware.ts";function createMockContext<S extends State = Record<string, any>>() { return ({ request: { headers: new Headers(), method: "GET", path: "/", search: undefined, searchParams: new URLSearchParams(), url: "/", }, response: { status: Status.OK, body: undefined, headers: new Headers(), }, assert( condition: any, errorStatus: ErrorStatus = 500, message?: string, props?: object, ): asserts condition { if (condition) { return; } const err = createHttpError(errorStatus, message); if (props) { Object.assign(err, props); } throw err; }, throw(errorStatus: ErrorStatus, message?: string, props?: object): never { const err = createHttpError(errorStatus, message); if (props) { Object.assign(err, props); } throw err; }, } as unknown) as Context<S>;}
test({ name: "test compose()", async fn() { const callStack: number[] = []; const mockContext = createMockContext(); const mw1: Middleware = async (context, next) => { assertStrictEquals(context, mockContext); assertEquals(typeof next, "function"); callStack.push(1); await next(); }; const mw2: Middleware = async (context, next) => { assertStrictEquals(context, mockContext); assertEquals(typeof next, "function"); callStack.push(2); await next(); }; await compose([mw1, mw2])(mockContext); assertEquals(callStack, [1, 2]); },});
test({ name: "next() is catchable", async fn() { let caught: any; const mw1: Middleware = async (ctx, next) => { try { await next(); } catch (err) { caught = err; } }; const mw2: Middleware = async (ctx) => { ctx.throw(500); }; const context = createMockContext(); await compose([mw1, mw2])(context); assert(caught instanceof httpErrors.InternalServerError); },});
test({ name: "composed middleware accepts next middleware", async fn() { const callStack: number[] = []; const mockContext = createMockContext();
const mw0: Middleware = async (context, next): Promise<void> => { assertEquals(typeof next, "function"); callStack.push(3); await next(); };
const mw1: Middleware = async (context, next) => { assertEquals(typeof next, "function"); callStack.push(1); await next(); }; const mw2: Middleware = async (context, next) => { assertEquals(typeof next, "function"); callStack.push(2); await next(); };
await compose([mw1, mw2])(mockContext, mw0 as () => Promise<void>); assertEquals(callStack, [1, 2, 3]); },});