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// Copyright 2018-2020 the oak authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.import { assert } from "./test_deps.ts";import { compare } from "./tssCompare.ts";
const { test } = Deno;
test({ name: "string comparison - equal", fn() { assert(compare("a", "a")); },});
test({ name: "string comparison - not equal", fn() { assert(!compare("a", "b")); },});
test({ name: "number array comparison - equal", fn() { assert(compare([212, 213], [212, 213])); },});
test({ name: "number array comparison - not equal", fn() { assert(!compare([212, 213], [212, 212])); },});
test({ name: "ArrayBuffer comparison - equal", fn() { const a = new ArrayBuffer(2); const va = new DataView(a); va.setUint8(0, 212); va.setUint8(1, 213); const b = new ArrayBuffer(2); const vb = new DataView(b); vb.setUint8(0, 212); vb.setUint8(1, 213); assert(compare(a, b)); },});
test({ name: "ArrayBuffer comparison - not equal", fn() { const a = new ArrayBuffer(2); const va = new DataView(a); va.setUint8(0, 212); va.setUint8(1, 213); const b = new ArrayBuffer(2); const vb = new DataView(b); vb.setUint8(0, 212); vb.setUint8(1, 212); assert(!compare(a, b)); },});
test({ name: "Uint8Array comparison - equal", fn() { const a = new Uint8Array([212, 213]); const b = new Uint8Array([212, 213]); assert(compare(a, b)); },});
test({ name: "Uint8Array comparison - not equal", fn() { const a = new Uint8Array([212, 213]); const b = new Uint8Array([212, 212]); assert(!compare(a, b)); },});