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A set of APIs for handling HTTP and HTTPS requests with Deno 🐿️ 🦕
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// Copyright 2018-2024 the oak authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.// deno-lint-ignore-file no-irregular-whitespace
/** * Several APIs designed for processing of media types in request bodies. * * `MediaType`, `parse()` and `format()` are inspired media-typer at * which is licensed as follows: * * Copyright(c) 2014-2017 Douglas Christopher Wilson * * MIT License * * `matches()` is inspired by type-is at * which is licensed as follows: * * Copyright(c) 2014 Jonathan Ong * Copyright(c) 2014-2015 Douglas Christopher Wilson * * MIT License * * @module */
import { typeByExtension } from "./deps.ts";
const SUBTYPE_NAME_RE = /^[A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9!#$&^_.-]{0,126}$/;const TYPE_NAME_RE = /^[A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9!#$&^_-]{0,126}$/;const TYPE_RE = /^ *([A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9!#$&^_-]{0,126})\/([A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9!#$&^_.+-]{0,126}) *$/;
function mediaTypeMatch(expected: string | undefined, actual: string): boolean { if (!expected) { return false; }
const actualParts = actual.split("/"); const expectedParts = expected.split("/");
if (actualParts.length !== 2 || expectedParts.length !== 2) { return false; }
const [actualType, actualSubtype] = actualParts; const [expectedType, expectedSubtype] = expectedParts;
if (expectedType !== "*" && expectedType !== actualType) { return false; }
if (expectedSubtype.substring(0, 2) === "*+") { return expectedSubtype.length <= actualSubtype.length + 1 && expectedSubtype.substring(1) === actualSubtype.substring( actualSubtype.length + 1 - expectedSubtype.length, ); }
if (expectedSubtype !== "*" && expectedSubtype !== actualSubtype) { return false; }
return true;}
function normalize(mediaType: string): string | undefined { if (mediaType === "urlencoded") { return "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; } if (mediaType === "multipart") { return "multipart/*"; } if (mediaType.startsWith("+")) { return `*/*${mediaType}`; } return mediaType.includes("/") ? mediaType : typeByExtension(mediaType);}
function normalizeType(value: string): string | undefined { try { const [type] = value.split(/\s*;/); const mediaType = MediaType.parse(type); return mediaType.toString(); } catch { return undefined; }}
/** A class which encapsulates the information in a media type, allowing * inspecting of modifying individual parts of the media type. */export class MediaType { #subtype!: string; #suffix?: string; #type!: string;
/** Create an instance of {@linkcode MediaType} by providing the components * of `type`, `subtype` and optionally a `suffix`. */ constructor(type: string, subtype: string, suffix?: string) { this.type = type; this.subtype = subtype; if (suffix) { this.suffix = suffix; } }
/** The subtype of the media type. */ set subtype(value: string) { if (!SUBTYPE_NAME_RE.test(value)) { throw new TypeError("Invalid subtype."); } this.#subtype = value; }
/** The subtype of the media type. */ get subtype(): string { return this.#subtype; }
/** The optional suffix of the media type. */ set suffix(value: string | undefined) { if (value && !TYPE_NAME_RE.test(value)) { throw new TypeError("Invalid suffix."); } this.#suffix = value; }
/** The optional suffix of the media type. */ get suffix(): string | undefined { return this.#suffix; }
/** The type of the media type. */ set type(value: string) { if (!TYPE_NAME_RE.test(value)) { throw new TypeError("Invalid type."); } this.#type = value; }
/** The type of the media type. */ get type(): string { return this.#type; }
/** Return the parsed media type in its valid string format. */ toString() { return this.#suffix ? `${this.#type}/${this.#subtype}+${this.#suffix}` : `${this.#type}/${this.#subtype}`; }
/** Take a string and attempt to parse it into a {@linkcode MediaType} * object. */ static parse(value: string): MediaType { const match = TYPE_RE.exec(value.toLowerCase());
if (!match) { throw new TypeError("Invalid media type."); }
let [, type, subtype] = match; let suffix: string | undefined;
const idx = subtype.lastIndexOf("+"); if (idx >= 0) { suffix = subtype.substring(idx + 1); subtype = subtype.substring(0, idx); }
return new this(type, subtype, suffix); }}
/** Determines if the provided media type matches one of the supplied media * types. If there is a match, the matched media type is returned, otherwise * `undefined` is returned. * * Each type in the media types array can be one of the following: * * - A file extension name such as `json`. This name will be returned if * matched. * - A media type such as `application/json`. * - A media type with a wildcard such as `*​/*` or `*​/json` or `application/*`. * The full media type will be returned if matched. * - A suffix such as `+json`. This can be combined with a wildcard such as * `*​/vnd+json` or `application/*+json`. The full mime type will be returned * if matched. * - Special cases of `urlencoded` and `multipart` which get normalized to * `application/x-www-form-urlencoded` and `multipart/*` respectively. */export function matches( value: string, mediaTypes: string[],): string | undefined { const normalized = normalizeType(value);
if (!normalized) { return undefined; }
if (!mediaTypes.length) { return normalized; }
for (const mediaType of mediaTypes) { if (mediaTypeMatch(normalize(mediaType), normalized)) { return mediaType.startsWith("+") || mediaType.includes("*") ? normalized : mediaType; } }
return undefined;}
/* Convert a type, subtype and optional suffix of a media type into its valid * string form. */export function format( value: { type: string; subtype: string; suffix?: string },): string { const mediaType = value instanceof MediaType ? value : new MediaType(value.type, value.subtype, value.suffix); return mediaType.toString();}
/** Parses a media type into a {@linkcode MediaType} object which provides * parts of the media type as individual properties. */export function parse(value: string): MediaType { return MediaType.parse(value);}