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Low-Level OAuth 2 / OpenID Connect Client API for JavaScript Runtimes
variable modifyAssertion
import { modifyAssertion } from "";

Use to mutate JWT header and payload before they are signed. Its intended use is working around non-conform server behaviours, such as modifying JWT "aud" (audience) claims, or otherwise changing fixed claims used by this library.


Changing Private Key JWT client assertion audience issued from an array to a string

import * as oauth from 'oauth4webapi'

// Prerequisites
let as!: oauth.AuthorizationServer
let client!: oauth.Client
let parameters!: URLSearchParams
let clientPrivateKey!: CryptoKey

const response = await oauth.pushedAuthorizationRequest(as, client, parameters, {
  clientPrivateKey: {
    key: clientPrivateKey,
    [oauth.modifyAssertion](header, payload) {
      payload.aud = as.issuer

Changing Request Object issued by issueRequestObject to have an expiration of 5 minutes

import * as oauth from 'oauth4webapi'

// Prerequisites
let as!: oauth.AuthorizationServer
let client!: oauth.Client
let parameters!: URLSearchParams
let jarPrivateKey!: CryptoKey

const request = await oauth.issueRequestObject(as, client, parameters, {
  key: jarPrivateKey,
  [oauth.modifyAssertion](header, payload) {
    payload.exp = <number>payload.iat + 300


unique symbol