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OAuth 2 / OpenID Connect for Web Platform API JavaScript runtimes
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function processAuthorizationCodeOpenIDResponse
import { processAuthorizationCodeOpenIDResponse } from "";

(OpenID Connect only) Validates Authorization Code Grant Response instance to be one coming from the AuthorizationServer.token_endpoint | as.token_endpoint.


Authorization Server Metadata.

client: Client

Client Metadata.

response: Response

Resolved value from authorizationCodeGrantRequest.

expectedNonce: string | expectNoNonce

Expected ID Token nonce claim value. Default is expectNoNonce.

maxAge: number | skipAuthTimeCheck

ID Token IDToken.auth_time | auth_time claim value will be checked to be present and conform to the maxAge value. Use of this option is required if you sent a max_age parameter in an authorization request. Default is Client.default_max_age | client.default_max_age and falls back to skipAuthTimeCheck.


Resolves with an object representing the parsed successful response, or an object representing an OAuth 2.0 protocol style error. Use isOAuth2Error to determine if an OAuth 2.0 error was returned.