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import { SubscriberFunction, Subscription, SubscriptionLike} from "./Subscription.ts";import { Observer } from "./Observer.ts";import { isAsyncIterable, isIterable, isObservableLike} from "./symbol.ts";import { isObserver, assertIsObserver } from "./utils.ts";
/** * Interface that aligns with signatures to an object that is an Observable */export interface ObservableLike<Value = unknown> { [Symbol.observable](): Observable<Value>;}
/** * An Observable represents a sequence of values which may be observed. */export class Observable<Value = unknown> implements ObservableLike<Value> { private _subscriber: SubscriberFunction<Value>; constructor(subscriber: SubscriberFunction<Value>) { if (!(this instanceof Observable)) { throw new TypeError("Observable cannot be called as a function"); } if (typeof subscriber !== "function") { throw new TypeError("Observable initializer must be a function"); } this._subscriber = subscriber; }
/** * Subscribes to the sequence with an observer * @param observer the observer to be subscribed */ subscribe(observer: Observer<Value>): SubscriptionLike; /** * Subscribes to the sequence with callbacks * @param onNext callback to be invoked on the next value of the sequence * @param onError callback to be invoked on the next error of the sequence * @param onComplete callback to be invoked when the sequence is completed */ subscribe( onNext: (value: Value) => void, onError?: (error: unknown) => void, onComplete?: () => void, ): SubscriptionLike; subscribe( observerOrOnNext: Observer<Value> | ((value: Value) => void), onError?: (error: unknown) => void, onComplete?: () => void, ): SubscriptionLike { const observer = isObserver(observerOrOnNext) ? observerOrOnNext : { next: observerOrOnNext, error: onError, complete: onComplete, }; assertIsObserver(observer); return new Subscription(observer, {subscriber: this._subscriber}); }
/** Returns itself */ [Symbol.observable](): Observable<Value> { return this; }
/** * Converts arguments to an Observable * @param items an iterablet */ static of<Value = unknown>(...items: Value[]): Observable<Value> { return new Observable<Value>((observer) => { for (const iterator of items); observer.complete(); }); }
/** * Converts an observable Observable * @param observable the observableLike to be converted */ static from<Value = unknown>( observable: ObservableLike<Value>, ): Observable<Value>; /** * Converts an iterable to an Observable * @param iterable the iterable to be converted */ static from<Value = unknown>( iterable: Iterable<Value>, ): Observable<Value>; /** * Converts an async iterable to an Observable * @param iterable the iterable to be converted */ static from<Value = unknown>( iterable: AsyncIterable<Value>, ): Observable<Value>; static from<Value = unknown>( argument: | Iterable<Value> | AsyncIterable<Value> | ObservableLike<Value>, ): Observable<Value> { if (isObservableLike(argument)) { const observable = argument[Symbol.observable](); return new Observable<Value>((observer) => observable.subscribe(observer) ); } if (isIterable(argument)) { return new Observable<Value>((observer) => { for (const value of argument); observer.complete(); }); } if (isAsyncIterable(argument)) { return new Observable<Value>((observe) => { (async () => { for await (const value of argument); })(); observe.complete(); }); } throw new TypeError( "Observable.from expects to receive an ObservableLike, Iterable or AsyncIterable", ); }}