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GraphQL, built for Deno - a native GraphQL caching client and server module
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// need redis v0.23.2 to be compatible with Deno testing. That is why we need to separate transformResponseLight.ts from transformResponse.ts
import { isHashableObject, containsHashableObject, hashMaker } from '../../src/normalize.ts';import { GenericObject } from '../../src/normalize.ts';import { Cache } from './quickCacheLight.js'const cache = new Cache;
const isArrayOfHashableObjects = (arrayOfObjects: Array<GenericObject>, hashableKeys: Array<string>):boolean => { if (Array.isArray(arrayOfObjects)) { return arrayOfObjects.every(object => { return containsHashableObject(object, hashableKeys); }) } return false;}
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------*//** transformResponse * Returns a nested object representing an object of references, where the references are hashes in Redis. The responseObject input must:* 1) Contain hashable object(s)* 2) have a first key of 'data', as should all GraphQL response objects* 3) have an inner array of data response objects corresponding to the GraphQL fields** @param {GenericObject} responseObject GraphQL response Object for large read query* @param {array} hashableKeys Array of hashable keys* @return {GenericObject} Nested object representing an object of references, where the references are hashes in Redis*/export const transformResponse = (responseObject: any, hashableKeys: Array<string>):GenericObject => { const result: GenericObject = {};
if ( { return transformResponse(, hashableKeys); } else if (isHashableObject(responseObject, hashableKeys)) { return result; } else { for (const key in responseObject) { if (isArrayOfHashableObjects(responseObject[key], hashableKeys)) { for (const element of responseObject[key]) { let hash = hashMaker(element, hashableKeys); result[hash] = transformResponse(element, hashableKeys); } } } } return result;}
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------*//** detransformResponse* Returns a nested object representing the original graphQL response object for a given queryKey* @param {String} queryKey String representing the stringified GraphQL query for a big read query, which should have been saved as a key in Redis* @param {GenericObject} transformedValue Nested object representing of references, where the references are hashes in Redis* @return {GenericObject} Nested object representing the original graphQL response object for a given queryKey*/export const detransformResponse = async (queryKey: String, transformedValue: GenericObject):Promise<GenericObject> => { // remove all text within parentheses aka '(input: ...)' queryKey = queryKey.replace(/\(([^)]+)\)/, ''); // save Regex matches for line break followed by '{' const matches = [...queryKey.matchAll(/\n([^\n]+)\{/g)];
// get fields of query const fields: Array<string> = []; matches.forEach(match => { fields.push(match[1].trim()); }); const recursiveDetransform = async (transformedValue: GenericObject, fields: Array<string>, depth: number = 0):Promise<GenericObject> => { const result: GenericObject = {}; let currDepth = depth;
console.log('tv-> ', transformedValue); // base case: innermost object with key:value pair of hash:{} if (Object.keys(transformedValue).length === 0) { return result; } else { let currField: string = fields[currDepth]; result[currField] = []; for (let hash in transformedValue) { console.log('hash -> ', hash); const redisValue: GenericObject = await cache.cacheReadObject(hash); console.log('redisVal -> ', redisValue); // edge case in which our eviction strategy has pushed partial Cache data out of Redis if (!redisValue) { return {'cache evicted': {}}; }
result[currField].push(redisValue); result[currField][result[currField].length - 1] = Object.assign( result[currField][result[currField].length - 1], await recursiveDetransform(transformedValue[hash], fields, depth = currDepth + 1) ) } return result; } } const detransformedResult: GenericObject = {'data' : {}}; = await recursiveDetransform(transformedValue, fields); console.log('dt-> ', detransformedResult); return detransformedResult;}