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OG images on Deno
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const apis = { twemoji: (code: string) => "" + code.toLowerCase() + ".svg", openmoji: "", blobmoji: "", noto: "", fluent: (code: string) => "" + code.toLowerCase() + "_color.svg", fluentFlat: (code: string) => "" + code.toLowerCase() + "_flat.svg",};
export type EmojiType = keyof typeof apis;
const n = String.fromCharCode(8205), O = /\uFE0F/g;
export function loadEmoji( code: string, type?: EmojiType,): Promise<Response> { (!type || !apis[type]) && (type = "twemoji"); const A = apis[type]; return fetch( typeof A == "function" ? A(code) : `${A}${code.toUpperCase()}.svg`, );}
export function getIconCode(char: string): string { return d(char.indexOf(n) < 0 ? char.replace(O, "") : char);}
function d(j: string) { const t = []; let A = 0, k = 0; for (let E = 0; E < j.length;) { A = j.charCodeAt(E++), k ? (t.push((65536 + (k - 55296 << 10) + (A - 56320)).toString(16)), k = 0) : 55296 <= A && A <= 56319 ? k = A : t.push(A.toString(16)); } return t.join("-");}