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A library and language for building parsers, interpreters, compilers, etc.
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# Script to version the ohm-js package.
set -e
pushd $(dirname "$0")/.. > /dev/null
if [ "$(git status --porcelain | grep -v '??')" != "" ]; then echo "Error: git working directory not clean -- run 'git status' for more info." exit 1fi
echo "👫 Updating the list of contributors..."json -I -f "package.json" -e "this.contributors=[$(./scripts/get-contributors)]"
# We do something a bit more complicated than just running 'yarn version'# because after the version is updated in package.json, we want to build a# new bundle that contains that version.
echo "⚙ Running 'yarn version'..."yarn version --no-git-tag-version
echo "📦 Creating a new bundle..."new_version=$(json -f package.json version)yarn build
echo "📝 Committing and tagging the result..."git add package.json distgit commit -am "v${new_version}"
tag_name="v${new_version}"git tag --force "${tag_name}"
echo "✅ ohm-js v${new_version}"echo "Next steps:"echo "1️⃣ yarn publish"echo "2️⃣ git push origin ${tag_name}"