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A library and language for building parsers, interpreters, compilers, etc.
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'use strict';
// --------------------------------------------------------------------// Imports// --------------------------------------------------------------------
const common = require('./common');const pexprs = require('./pexprs');
// --------------------------------------------------------------------// Operations// --------------------------------------------------------------------
/* Called at grammar creation time to rewrite a rule body, replacing each reference to a formal parameter with a `Param` node. Returns a PExpr -- either a new one, or the original one if it was modified in place.*/pexprs.PExpr.prototype.introduceParams = common.abstract('introduceParams');
pexprs.any.introduceParams = pexprs.end.introduceParams = pexprs.Terminal.prototype.introduceParams = pexprs.Range.prototype.introduceParams = pexprs.Param.prototype.introduceParams = pexprs.UnicodeChar.prototype.introduceParams = function(formals) { return this; };
pexprs.Alt.prototype.introduceParams = function(formals) { this.terms.forEach((term, idx, terms) => { terms[idx] = term.introduceParams(formals); }); return this;};
pexprs.Seq.prototype.introduceParams = function(formals) { this.factors.forEach((factor, idx, factors) => { factors[idx] = factor.introduceParams(formals); }); return this;};
pexprs.Iter.prototype.introduceParams = pexprs.Not.prototype.introduceParams = pexprs.Lookahead.prototype.introduceParams = pexprs.Lex.prototype.introduceParams = function(formals) { this.expr = this.expr.introduceParams(formals); return this; };
pexprs.Apply.prototype.introduceParams = function(formals) { const index = formals.indexOf(this.ruleName); if (index >= 0) { if (this.args.length > 0) { // TODO: Should this be supported? See issue #64. throw new Error('Parameterized rules cannot be passed as arguments to another rule.'); } return new pexprs.Param(index).withSource(this.source); } else { this.args.forEach((arg, idx, args) => { args[idx] = arg.introduceParams(formals); }); return this; }};